Sentinels of the Multiverse Difficulty Statistics

Contributor Report

Username Games Villains Defeated Greatest Challenge Favorite Hero
playerbro2 1 1 Baron Blade Expatriette
11 1 1 The Ennead (Advanced) Wraith
13ird 2 2 Deadline Bunker
1Jet007 1 1 Gloomweaver Visionary: Dark
2 1 1 The Ennead Ra
2conner 3 2 Miss Information Fanatic
7 1 1 The Ennead Visionary
9 1 1 Omnitron Argent Adept
ALK 30 17 Apostate Naturalist
ALK333 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Parse
ALK33389 1 1 Citizen Dawn Benchmark
ALW4110 6 3 Ambuscade Expatriette
ALkK 1 1 Ambuscade (Advanced) Expatriette
AWD 1 1 Apostate Expatriette
AaDee 2 2 Citizen Dawn Ra
Aaro 1 1 The Dreamer (Advanced) Fanatic
Aaron 349 32 Kismet Bunker
Aaron Stark 4 4 Grand Warlord Voss Visionary: Dark
Abhorson 2 2 Baron Blade Ra
AceHenshin 13 7 Citizen Dawn Absolute Zero
AdamNW 50 27 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Fanatic
Advacar 1 1 Citizen Dawn Wraith
Aelyanne 4 1 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Ra
Aether Rogue 4 3 Baron Blade (Advanced) The Sentinels
Agho 1 1 Baron Blade Expatriette
Akodo Harid 2 2 Baron Blade Tempest
Alden 2 2 Baron Blade Ra
Alderion 1 1 Apostate Tempest
Alex 1 1 Deadline K.N.Y.F.E.
Algard 20 9 Omnitron Fanatic
Alman Nocturne 91 22 Baron Blade (Advanced) Nightmist
Ambisinister 1 1 Gloomweaver (Advanced) Legacy: Greatest
Ameena 394 23 Infinitor Legacy
Amnachaidh 9 7 Kismet Mr. Fixer
Andinel 10 6 The Chairman Legacy: Greatest
AndrePOR 1 1 Omnitron Ra
AndrewD 5 4 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Tachyon: Freedom Six (Team Leader)
Animus 1 1 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
Anitmata 2 2 Iron Legacy Visionary
Ann Walkup 1 0 The Ennead Ra
Aopy 23 12 Iron Legacy Wraith
Aquan 2 2 Baron Blade (Advanced) Fanatic
Arael 3 2 Baron Blade (Advanced) Benchmark
Arathorn 78 28 Plague Rat (Advanced) Chrono-Ranger
Aratoast 5 5 Baron Blade Unity
ArcaneIllumination 1 1 La Capitan Bunker: Freedom Five
Arcanist Supreme 1 0 Citizen Dawn Expatriette
ArgentInept 5 3 Grand Warlord Voss Expatriette
Argot 8 8 Agent of Gloom Spite Wraith
Ariano 11 8 Citizen Dawn Wraith
Ario 84 29 Ambuscade Chrono-Ranger
Arion 1 1 The Dreamer (Advanced) Tempest
AshDGiles 27 15 Baron Blade (Advanced) Tempest
Asmith5831 1 1 Akash'bhuta (Advanced) Expatriette
Asmodean23 1 1 Ambuscade Legacy: Greatest
Atariese 4 2 Omnitron Guise
Atariese Vinnessia 3 3 Chokepoint K.N.Y.F.E.
Atras 1 1 Wager Master Guise
Atrreus 1 1 Citizen Dawn (Challenge + Advanced) Bunker: Freedom Five
Aulox 1 1 Vengeance Style The Sentinels
Aumerle 1 1 Miss Information Fanatic
AvantCard 17 13 Miss Information (Advanced) Chrono-Ranger
AvantInvader 1 1 Progeny (Advanced) Visionary: Dark
AverageJoe 1 1 Plague Rat Tempest
Awd 7 5 Citizen Dawn Tachyon
Awong 1 0 The Ennead Ra
Ax0r 4 2 Iron Legacy Chrono-Ranger
Aywin 2 0 The Dreamer Haka
Azureink 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Legacy
Azzuen Woffie 10 4 Cosmic Omnitron (Challenge + Advanced) Expatriette
B.A Brownie 1 1 Akash'bhuta Fanatic
B.A. Brownie 3 3 Baron Blade Ra
B.A. Brownie 4 4 Apostate Bunker
BRich83 2 1 Citizen Dawn Haka
Badmess 5 4 Progeny (Challenge) Haka: Prime Warden
Baka 1 1 Citizen Dawn Visionary
BakaMatt 20 10 Agent of Gloom Spite Tempest
Baked Bean 1 0 Gloomweaver Guise
Balakovsc 1 1 Miss Information Bunker
BaloTheJester 3 2 The Chairman Absolute Zero
Balrogthebuff 1 1 Vengeance Style The Sentinels
Barby007 1 1 The Matriarch (Advanced) Tempest
Barn 1 1 Kaargra Warfang K.N.Y.F.E.: Rogue Agent
Barnesy 3 3 Citizen Dawn Tempest
Barric 5 4 Akash'bhuta Chrono-Ranger
Barter9 1 1 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Ra
Basketkeep 6 4 Omnitron Bunker
Basti aus Hamburg 1 1 Baron Blade Tempest
Beardsman 15 10 Grand Warlord Voss Haka
Bed Head 2 2 Iron Legacy Wraith
Belteshazzar 13 9 Baron Blade Wraith
Benhimself 8 6 Miss Information (Advanced) Fanatic
Bentonk 18 14 Chokepoint (Challenge) Dr. Medico: Void Guard
BerkMarc 1 1 La Capitan Tempest
Bigdaddygamebot 1 1 Omnitron (Advanced) Bunker
BillCoreyJr 11 7 Infinitor Legacy
Biro909 1 1 Baron Blade Fanatic
BlackIce 1 0 Kaargra Warfang Expatriette
Bleupomme 3 2 The Matriarch Unity
BlindedByScience 3 2 Akash'bhuta Expatriette
BlueHairedMeerkat 47 21 Baron Blade (Advanced) Fanatic
BlueKae 6 5 Baron Blade Tempest
BlueSapphyre 2 2 Grand Warlord Voss Visionary
Bluedarky 1 1 Baron Blade Fanatic
Blutzen 1 1 Deadline (Advanced) Expatriette
Boatman 1 0 The Dreamer K.N.Y.F.E.: Rogue Agent
Bobatron101 1 1 Omnitron Bunker
Bolnerap 4 2 Plague Rat Visionary
Boogey2003 6 3 The Matriarch (Challenge + Advanced) Tachyon: Freedom Six (Team Leader)
Boom04 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
Botanicus 10 7 The Matriarch Captain Cosmic
Boundkaos 1 0 Iron Legacy Ra
Bozman44 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
Brendawn12 13 7 Iron Legacy Naturalist
Brew 1 0 The Chairman Expatriette
Briandk 2 1 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
Bricknee 1 1 Iron Legacy Legacy: Greatest
Brother_Woodrow 2 1 The Chairman Expatriette
Brucetosis 2 1 Spite Absolute Zero
Bryan Stiltz 1 1 Gloomweaver Haka: Prime Warden
Bubba8115 2 1 Unstable Kismet (Challenge) Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
Buddy Motter 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Haka
Bunker Rules 1 1 Omnitron Expatriette
Buried Thorn 9 4 Grand Warlord Voss Legacy
C-DAWG647 1 0 Omnitron Bunker
CBattles6 2 0 La Capitan Bunker
CGrater 4 1 Kaargra Warfang Naturalist
CKirk 2 2 Baron Blade Legacy
CRfan 16 9 The Dreamer Expatriette
Cabello 1 1 Omnitron Ra
Calc 4 3 Spite Expatriette
Calvertfan 13 5 Mad Bomber Blade Tachyon
Calvertfan 2 1 Spite Fanatic
Calvin 1 0 Citizen Dawn Ra
Camipco 10 8 The Ennead Expatriette
Cannonball 1 0 Skinwalker Gloomweaver (Advanced) Expatriette
CapitaineFanatic 1 1 Infinitor Fanatic
Capitan_Andyman 2 1 Plague Rat Bunker
Captain Horrible 1 1 Infinitor (Advanced) Lifeline
CatDreaming 3 3 Deadline Parse
Catastr0 2 1 Baron Blade Fanatic
Catdrake 1 1 The Dreamer Unity
Catdreaming 2 2 Gloomweaver (Challenge + Advanced) Parse
CelJaded 1 1 Omnitron Wraith
Cement 1 0 La Capitan Parse
Ceonn 1 1 Baron Blade Unity
Cgrater 1 1 Akash'bhuta Ra
Chaos Clockwork 1 1 Ambuscade Stuntman
Chaosmancer 8 7 Baron Blade Expatriette
Chardris77 3 3 Baron Blade (Advanced) Visionary
CharlotteM, 1 1 Baron Blade (Advanced) Bunker: Freedom Six (Engine of War)
CharlotteML 14 10 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Parse
ChazIsdore 1 0 The Dreamer K.N.Y.F.E.: Rogue Agent
ChazIsidore 104 27 Agent of Gloom Spite Ra
ChazIsidore 15 8 Akash'bhuta Captain Cosmic: Prime Warden
Chewychucky 153 46 Ambuscade (Advanced) Tempest
Chsmoito 1 1 Iron Legacy Haka
Churcher 7 7 Ambuscade Absolute Zero
Cimmerz 9 2 Gloomweaver Expatriette
Cinruk 6 4 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
ClumsyRobot 1 1 The Dreamer (Challenge + Advanced) Visionary
ClydeStrife 1 1 The Chairman Argent Adept
CobaltChaos 22 16 Vengeance Style Benchmark
CobaltChaos56 1 1 Kismet Wraith: Freedom Six (Price of Freedom)
Code Baboon 4 3 Baron Blade Ra
Codexterity 1 1 Citizen Dawn Argent Adept
ColdfireSerge 1 1 Gloomweaver Scholar
Commodore Erickson 8 4 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Ra
Corross 11 7 Ambuscade Haka
Cosmonaut Zero 8 8 Ambuscade Absolute Zero
Cozmic0 8 4 Ambuscade Expatriette
CptCalamari 3 2 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Visionary
CriticalFumbleJunk 2 2 Miss Information Ra
Csriena 1 1 Chokepoint Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
Cubiccube 1 0 Infinitor Wraith: Rook City
Cwethan 1 1 Ambuscade (Advanced) Setback: Dark Watch
CylusHylia 7 5 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
Cymor 2 2 Cosmic Omnitron Fanatic
CypherEnigma 2 2 Grand Warlord Voss Mr. Fixer
Cyrano89 1 1 Progeny Visionary: Dark
Cythe 1 1 Agent of Gloom Spite Unity
D 1 1 Ambuscade Haka
DBW2 1 0 Grand Warlord Voss Haka
DLuke 1 1 Baron Blade Wraith
DNinja 1 1 The Chairman Haka
DRVillainous 1 0 Grand Warlord Voss Fanatic
DaMullet 1 1 Apostate Fanatic
Dagoron 1 1 The Matriarch Ra
Dandoio 1 1 Kaargra Warfang Setback: Dark Watch
Dandolo 3712 121 Miss Information (Challenge + Advanced) Setback
DarkEagle 2 2 Deadline Sky-Scraper
Darling 3 2 Baron Blade Legacy
Darmulk 1 0 Apostate Wraith: Rook City
DarthUrsus 5 2 Akash'bhuta Legacy
Darthbinks 1 1 Deadline Fanatic
DasMaeh 3 3 Omnitron Ra
Dascott 1 0 La Capitan Guise
Dasende 12 6 Vengeance Style Visionary: Dark
David Umstattd 4 1 Spite (Advanced) Expatriette
David_Umstattd 2 1 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Benchmark
Dawnev 3 1 Baron Blade Argent Adept
Defenstrator 12 8 Citizen Dawn Expatriette
Defenstrator 9 6 Apostate Legacy
Delfar 2 1 The Chairman Wraith
Delmain 1 0 Spite Visionary
Delthos 1 0 Baron Blade Fanatic
Demi-hero 3 2 The Dreamer Absolute Zero: Freedom Five
Deohenge 1 0 Plague Rat (Advanced) Fanatic
DerpTheBugbear 11 11 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Haka: Prime Warden
Deserter85 2 1 Miss Information Scholar
DireAvenger20 1 1 Deadline Expatriette
Djbojz 1 0 Kaargra Warfang Sky-Scraper
Djsudlow 5 4 Ambuscade (Advanced) Ra
DocRVB2005 1 0 Akash'bhuta Haka
Docfrost 3 1 La Capitan Ra
DoggyloverHP 1 1 The Ennead (Advanced) Ra
Dolirn 1 1 Iron Legacy (Challenge + Advanced) Visionary: Dark
Dolphinlord04 1 1 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Fanatic
Doofmaz 13 9 Grand Warlord Voss Fanatic
Doomape 1 0 La Capitan Ra
Dorktron 1 1 Baron Blade Tempest
Dosnish 2 1 Mad Bomber Blade (Challenge) Legacy: Greatest
DrKrash 1 1 Plague Rat Wraith
DrZeeZee 20 11 Baron Blade (Advanced) Parse
Dragonhead 1 1 Akash'bhuta Legacy
Dralanchiu 2 2 Deadline K.N.Y.F.E.: Rogue Agent
Drb1004 20 12 Iron Legacy Luminary
Drb1004 19 12 Gloomweaver Haka: Prime Warden
Drevilz4l 1 1 Kismet La Comodora
Drobo 1 0 The Ennead Expatriette
Drovic 23 14 Gloomweaver Chrono-Ranger
Dubs 2 1 Omnitron Ra
Dudley 3 2 Plague Rat Expatriette
Dustin 10 6 Omnitron (Advanced) Ra
Dweller42 10 9 Baron Blade K.N.Y.F.E.
Dystorpia 1 0 The Chairman Expatriette
ELS 1 1 Spite Fanatic
EPenna 4 2 Skinwalker Gloomweaver (Advanced) Captain Cosmic
Earthangel 167 36 Kaargra Warfang Chrono-Ranger
EchoGarrote 1 1 Apostate Bunker
EdgeDS 99 34 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Parse
El Nate 5 2 Baron Blade Tempest
Emod 3 3 Baron Blade Tempest
Empty H 61 25 Ambuscade (Advanced) Haka: Prime Warden
Ensign53 5 4 Gloomweaver Tempest
Envisioner 106 33 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Tachyon
Epiku 334 33 Iron Legacy (Challenge + Advanced) Chrono-Ranger
Eravel 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Mr. Fixer: Dark Watch
Eric V 3 3 Akash'bhuta Fanatic: XTREME Prime Warden
ErikTheRed 1 1 Spite Ra
Esh 6 5 Kaargra Warfang Fanatic
Espithel 5 5 Apostate (Challenge + Advanced) Naturalist: Hunted
Estelindis 9 8 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Legacy
Etherealone 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Fanatic
Etreides 1 1 Plague Rat Ra
EulerPi 1 1 Kismet Unity
Evermore 1 0 The Chairman Fanatic
EvilWayne 2 2 Cosmic Omnitron Ra
Ewright8 3 2 Agent of Gloom Spite Parse
Eye Of Odin 1 1 Baron Blade Tempest
EyeDrSteve 6 5 Chokepoint Ra
FBH 1 1 The Dreamer Parse
FIG 1 1 Progeny Harpy: Dark Watch
Fabe 3 2 Skinwalker Gloomweaver Haka
Fabs 1 1 Spite Haka
Falar 1 0 The Ennead Parse
FallenPrime826 12 10 The Dreamer (Advanced) Tempest
Family of Geeks 1 1 Mad Bomber Blade (Advanced) Legacy: Greatest
Fanatical fan 2 1 The Chairman Fanatic
Fanaticalfan 13 10 The Dreamer Chrono-Ranger
Faylan 12 11 The Chairman Expatriette
FeelNFine 3 3 La Capitan Ra
Fig 3 1 Gloomweaver Fanatic
Fireroc 1 1 Vengeance Style (Advanced) Parse
Fizz fizz 4 2 Citizen Dawn Legacy
Fizzgig 2 2 Ambuscade Stuntman
Fizzgigglestix 12 9 La Capitan Legacy: Greatest
Fjur 1 1 Citizen Dawn Scholar: Of the Infinite
FlaggIV 1 1 Iron Legacy Tempest
Flaggiv 1 1 Cosmic Omnitron Ra
FlamezOfGamez 119 63 Citizen Dawn (Challenge + Advanced) Legacy
Flintlock 26 14 The Matriarch (Advanced) Nightmist
Floof 1 1 Iron Legacy Benchmark
Flusa 1 1 Chokepoint Expatriette
Fluss 340 71 Apostate (Challenge + Advanced) Wraith
Fluxx 3 3 La Capitan Tempest
FlyingPotato 1 1 The Matriarch Legacy: Greatest
Fosuke 1 1 The Chairman (Advanced) Legacy: Greatest
Fpkfor 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Visionary: Dark
Fr SamB 1 0 Skinwalker Gloomweaver Dr. Medico: Void Guard, Malpractice
Fr. SamB 1 1 Skinwalker Gloomweaver Dr. Medico: Void Guard, Malpractice
Frostywild 1 1 Ambuscade Nightmist: Dark Watch
Fry Guy 17 10 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Tachyon: Freedom Six (Team Leader)
FryGuy 53 25 The Dreamer (Advanced) Nightmist
FunkyScript 2 2 Deadline Ra
Furlion 2 2 Akash'bhuta Ra
Fynikz 2 1 Progeny Fanatic
G 1 1 Omnitron (Advanced) Fanatic
G+ 1 1 Omnitron Haka
GK110 9 5 Akash'bhuta Argent Adept
GLW 4 3 Plague Rat Haka
GabrialGF 1 1 The Ennead The Sentinels
Gaffa 348 52 Kaargra Warfang (Advanced) Absolute Zero
Gaffa 333 46 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Haka
Gafffa 1 1 Akash'bhuta (Advanced) The Sentinels
Gaffs 2 2 Apostate Haka: Prime Warden
Galthromir 1 0 Vengeance Style Expatriette
Garou 6 4 Cosmic Omnitron Expatriette
Gavindbm 2 2 Iron Legacy Unity
Geek13579 11 7 The Matriarch Mr. Fixer
Geekyraccoon 7 5 Iron Legacy Omnitron-X
Gelrod 1 1 Omnitron Ra
Geno9999 3 2 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Wraith
Gg 1 0 Miss Information Ra
Ghemnas 1 1 Omnitron (Advanced) Unity
Gislef 128 29 Agent of Gloom Spite Expatriette
Glackyda 22 13 Iron Legacy Wraith
Gnarly Nyarly 2 1 Omnitron Ra
Goggle game 1 1 Ambuscade Ra
Goggle games 1 0 Kismet Expatriette
GoodGuyJim 7 5 Miss Information Legacy
Google 1 1 Akash'bhuta Mr. Fixer: Dark Watch
Google Game 830 46 Infinitor (Advanced) Omnitron-X
Google Games 10 9 The Dreamer (Advanced) Scholar
Google Groups 1 1 Akash'bhuta Argent Adept
Google game 388 38 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Chrono-Ranger
Google games 5 3 Akash'bhuta Visionary
GoogleGame 1 1 Akash'bhuta Fanatic
Gossamerica 1 1 Deadline Wraith: Rook City
Gothire 23 15 Kismet (Advanced) Scholar
Graham Wills 1 1 Ambuscade Haka
Graveless 47 21 Omnitron (Advanced) K.N.Y.F.E.
GreatComet 1 1 Baron Blade Fanatic
GreenAlex 1 1 Baron Blade Bunker
Greyweather 10 6 Baron Blade Ra
Greywind 5 5 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) The Sentinels
Grimblackheart 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
Gunger 1 1 Mad Bomber Blade Legacy: Greatest
GunsTooMuch 2 1 La Capitan Expatriette
GygaxLives 1 1 Citizen Dawn Tempest
Hahnsoo 49 30 The Dreamer Tachyon: Freedom Six (Team Leader)
Haleksander 2 1 La Capitan Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
Handsaw 7 3 Infinitor Argent Adept
Hankriyd 1 1 The Ennead Bunker: Freedom Six (Engine of War)
Hankroyd 210 39 The Dreamer Legacy
Hanroyd 1 1 Miss Information Haka
Harst 18 12 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Captain Cosmic
Hawkeye37 1 0 The Ennead Unity
Hearteater 7 5 La Capitan Tempest
Heath.goldman 2 2 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
Hedge 2 1 Omnitron Tachyon
HerrMerklin 5 5 Baron Blade Wraith
HillsofTuscany 1 1 The Dreamer Captain Cosmic
Homestarbaby 6 3 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Unity
Hootenanny 1 1 Citizen Dawn Legacy
Hruberen 1 1 Vengeance Style Unity
Hugh Jayniss 1 1 Baron Blade Bunker
Humble Knight 1 0 Grand Warlord Voss Expatriette
Humble-Knight 1 1 Apostate Expatriette: Dark Watch
Humble-knight 4 4 Ambuscade Tempest
Hunter22 1 1 Miss Information (Advanced) Parse
Hurleymcswirley 1 1 La Capitan Expatriette
Iammars 25 12 Spite Expatriette
Iamspectre 1 1 Gloomweaver (Advanced) Expatriette
Ibinu 4 3 The Chairman Expatriette
IcculusTheWise 1 1 Vengeance Style Ra
Icericericire007 3 1 Vengeance Style Idealist: Void Guard, Super Sentai
Igarka 5 3 Grand Warlord Voss Expatriette
Igneus 1 1 Iron Legacy Ra
Inalona 1 1 Vengeance Style Expatriette
Incredibul 10 6 Infinitor K.N.Y.F.E.
Infinite Pony 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Tempest
Inniscorr 1 0 Kaargra Warfang Bunker
Ishi 4 2 Baron Blade (Advanced) Parse
J-almer1976 1 1 Wager Master Dr. Medico: Void Guard
J1hopki1 5 3 Baron Blade (Advanced) The Sentinels
JDurairaj 2 0 The Dreamer (Advanced) Argent Adept
JHolder84 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
JPalmer1976 1 1 Omnitron Bunker
Jack Reese 2 2 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
JackOfAllGeeks 1 1 Omnitron Fanatic
JacobOgle 1 1 Citizen Dawn Wraith
Jade 4 2 Omnitron Bunker
Jaels 1 0 Iron Legacy Haka
JariAhonen 1 1 Omnitron Ra
JasoMac 23 14 Omnitron Tachyon
Jasomac 2 2 Apostate Expatriette
JasperKazai 1 0 Skinwalker Gloomweaver Haka
JayBee 115 25 Cosmic Omnitron Chrono-Ranger
JayBee 7 2 Akash'bhuta Stuntman
Jaybee 5 3 Baron Blade Stuntman
Jaybee 1 1 Akash'bhuta Benchmark
Jaythreef 1 0 Spite Expatriette
Jayvenpup 3 1 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
Jbgandalf 26 7 The Chairman Haka
Jblare 1 1 Chokepoint Bunker: Freedom Six (Engine of War)
Jct75 1 1 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Ra
Jefffgems 1 1 Miss Information Bunker
Jenoolen 14 4 Citizen Dawn Bunker
Jesnider 2 2 Infinitor Ra
Jettpanda 1 1 The Dreamer Ra
Jeysie 1 1 Vengeance Style Bunker: Freedom Five
Jgoyes 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Wraith
Jimmygee35 1 1 Kismet Ra
Jmcgover 1 0 Citizen Dawn Scholar
JoJoFarina 1 1 Infinitor Legacy: Greatest
Joby 3 3 Grand Warlord Voss La Comodora
Jolo 3 1 Mad Bomber Blade Bunker
JonDo 2 1 Spite Nightmist
JonnySQ 8 7 Cosmic Omnitron (Challenge + Advanced) Dr. Medico: Void Guard
Josh 2 2 Ambuscade Legacy
Joshuar 1 1 Progeny (Advanced) Ra
Jpalmer197 1 1 Spite Ra
Jpalmer1976 50 18 Citizen Dawn Legacy
Jrothaug 1 0 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
Json75ndrson 1 1 The Chairman Parse
Jtandkt4jc 1 1 Akash'bhuta Wraith: Freedom Six (Price of Freedom)
Jtheiss 1 1 Apostate Tempest
Kaelistus 1 0 Miss Information (Advanced) Ra
Kalirren 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Ra
Kamisage 1 1 Ambuscade Tachyon: Super Scientific
Kaptajn Knas 19 11 La Capitan Fanatic
Kario 10 7 Apostate (Challenge) The Sentinels
Kc9nxc 5 2 Cosmic Omnitron Omnitron-X
Kdoub4 16 7 Ambuscade (Challenge) Ra
Keen 2 2 Akash'bhuta Bunker
Kel333 1 1 Deadline Haka
Kerredai 50 20 Omnitron Expatriette
Kharnel 110 38 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Tachyon
Kibble 1 1 Apostate Scholar
Kilau 1 1 La Capitan Expatriette
Kilroy 182 44 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Wraith
KingPresto 1 1 Vengeance Style Wraith
Kingofsouls 8 5 Mad Bomber Blade Ra
KirkBlade 2 2 Omnitron Ra
Kitsunin 2 1 Grand Warlord Voss Fanatic
Kodrarachel 2 2 Chokepoint Ra
Koey 37 16 Ambuscade (Advanced) Tachyon: Freedom Six (Team Leader)
Koleos 2 2 Grand Warlord Voss The Sentinels
Koozinator 1 1 Citizen Dawn Tempest
Korafox 11 7 The Dreamer (Advanced) Fanatic
Korlyth 2 1 Infinitor Naturalist
Korwyn 7 2 Grand Warlord Voss Haka
Koswoo13 47 22 The Dreamer Haka
Kuildeous 1 1 The Matriarch Expatriette
Kyathus 2 1 Plague Rat Fanatic
Kylo 10 8 Citizen Dawn Tempest
Kyo 2 1 Progeny Sky-Scraper
Kza 2 2 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
LACK OF SUBTLETY 186 68 Agent of Gloom Spite Stuntman: Action Hero
LBuddha 1 1 Wager Master Captain Cosmic
LeMo 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
Learning Game 3 2 Baron Blade (Advanced) Argent Adept
LemeeAdam 2 2 Omnitron Ra
LeonardAnthony 1 1 Omnitron Ra
LevelUpLeo 1 0 La Capitan Haka
Leviat 8 4 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Fanatic
Linuxbrandon 1 0 Vengeance Style Expatriette
Lirel 1 0 Miss Information Ra
Llama 2 1 Deadline K.N.Y.F.E.: Rogue Agent
Locclo 2 2 Cosmic Omnitron Parse
Locksley 2 1 Citizen Dawn Tempest
Logan 1 1 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Ra
Logus Vile 1 1 Plague Rat Unity
Loki 19 10 Akash'bhuta (Advanced) Argent Adept
Lontra 1 1 Apostate Fanatic
LordKhabal 14 10 Baron Blade Ra
LordOfTheFishes 2 1 Akash'bhuta Wraith
Lordof1 1 1 The Matriarch Tempest
Lordofthefishes 2 1 Apostate Benchmark
LosDak 3 3 Akash'bhuta Ra
LuckyRdik 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
Luninareph 1 0 Spite Bunker
LunixVandal 9 8 Apostate (Advanced) Bunker: Freedom Five
Lynkfox 48 28 Apostate (Challenge) Ra
MCPooge 3 3 Tormented Infinitor Setback
MSpekkio 1 0 The Matriarch Wraith
MadWookiee 4 4 Ambuscade Wraith
Mage of Magicplace 1 1 The Ennead (Advanced) Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
Magma Sam 11 5 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Legacy: Greatest
Magnos 1 1 Baron Blade (Advanced) Ra
Magus 1 1 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
Maidenfine 2 0 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
Malarkey724 1 1 Gloomweaver Expatriette
MalkChocolate 22 12 Apostate Fanatic
Mango 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
Mantaeus 1 1 Infinitor Haka
Marceli_B 1 0 Wager Master Unity
Marcos Franco 1 1 Citizen Dawn Ra
Marcotte 1 0 Vengeance Style (Advanced) Bunker
MarioFanaticXV 482 59 The Chairman (Challenge + Advanced) Tempest
Matchstickman 147 33 Cosmic Omnitron Tachyon
MattDavBen 1 1 The Ennead Expatriette
Max Buffkin 1 1 Ambuscade Bunker
Max0xaM 1 0 La Capitan Ra
MaxPowerSentinel86 1 1 Akash'bhuta Fanatic
Mcstabbity 13 8 Baron Blade (Advanced) Tachyon
Meat_Bun1 19 10 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
Meat_Bun2 1 1 Baron Blade Bunker
Medic-Tank 1 1 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Haka
Meemitone 2 1 Iron Legacy Bunker
Melon 1 1 The Matriarch (Advanced) Expatriette
Melonball 109 24 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Legacy
Mels 1 1 Akash'bhuta Ra
Memnaelar 1 0 Baron Blade Ra
Merklin 13 10 Iron Legacy Nightmist
Metaphysician 6 4 Akash'bhuta Parse
MichielDC 1 0 Baron Blade Ra
Midnotion 1 1 Mad Bomber Blade Wraith: Rook City
MigrantP 14 9 Vengeance Style Omnitron-X
MikaelAllan 1 1 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Visionary: Dark
MikeS 1 1 Omnitron Haka
Mikeb13603 22 13 Gloomweaver (Advanced) Expatriette
Miles74 1 1 Gloomweaver Wraith
Mimito 1 0 Progeny Fanatic
MindWanderer 424 122 Cosmic Omnitron (Challenge) Parse
Mister4 6 5 Omnitron (Challenge + Advanced) Visionary: Dark
MitkoSim 12 10 The Dreamer (Advanced) Parse
MocuryMoto 1 0 Citizen Dawn Benchmark
Moemoa4 200 51 Vengeance Style Tempest
Moemoa4 1 1 Gloomweaver Tempest
MojoGamerVGB 11 7 The Dreamer K.N.Y.F.E.
Mojojojo 1 1 Citizen Dawn (Challenge + Advanced) Setback: Dark Watch
Molinna 1 1 Citizen Dawn Ra
Montezuma 3 2 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
Moominpeter 36 16 Baron Blade Absolute Zero
Mosch 1 1 Ambuscade Expatriette
Mr. Fox 10 8 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) The Sentinels: Adamant
Mr.Fox 1 0 Wager Master Stuntman
Mr.Windup13ird 1 1 Apostate Fanatic
MrBigRed 3 2 Skinwalker Gloomweaver K.N.Y.F.E.
MrFettuccine 36 21 Iron Legacy Chrono-Ranger
MrH 1 0 The Dreamer Bunker
MrPanic 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
Mrfettuccine 1 1 La Capitan (Advanced) Stuntman
Mspekkio 5 5 Apostate Fanatic
Muad Dib 3 2 Iron Legacy Unity
Much0Gust0 14 6 Plague Rat Expatriette
MufinMcFlufin 3 3 Citizen Dawn (Challenge) Ra
Muppetus Galacticus 9 2 Citizen Dawn Ra
Muzakprime 2 2 Baron Blade Ra
Myyrä 9 8 The Matriarch (Advanced) Argent Adept
N/A 1 1 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Ra
NAL0781 21 8 Akash'bhuta Haka
Nabirius 2 2 Agent of Gloom Spite Visionary
Nasnas 1 1 La Capitan Visionary
Natediggadoggity 5 4 Plague Rat Mr. Fixer: Dark Watch
NeptuneAnime 21 12 Spite Tempest
NeverIsLupus 22 12 The Chairman Tachyon: Freedom Six (Team Leader)
Nevian 1 1 Apostate Tempest
Nidrog 3 3 Deadline Expatriette: Dark Watch
Nielzabub 1 1 Mad Bomber Blade (Advanced) Haka
NightWingMistHawk 7 4 Ambuscade Haka: Prime Warden
NightWingMistHawk 14 1 Baron Blade Fanatic
Niko 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
Nin-jamin 1 1 Baron Blade Expatriette
Nine 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
NineEdgeFirst 595 40 Kaargra Warfang Tempest
Nod_Hero 6 5 Plague Rat Expatriette
NorthboundTrain 25 12 Citizen Dawn Legacy
Not got one yet. 1 0 Omnitron Haka
Novencial 10 5 Progeny Absolute Zero
Null, Oklahoma 33 17 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Parse
Nullpunkt 1 0 Grand Warlord Voss Haka
Nusty 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
OG 14 11 Apostate Fanatic
OPTLawyer 3 3 Chokepoint Legacy: Greatest
Oaktree 84 23 Iron Legacy Ra
Octavian 191 47 Kaargra Warfang (Advanced) Mr. Fixer
Octavian 1 0 Wager Master Ra
Odin 44 18 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Mr. Fixer
Ody77 1 0 Plague Rat Expatriette
Odysseus3 2 0 Miss Information (Advanced) Mr. Fixer: Dark Watch
Oigelb 2 1 Ambuscade (Advanced) Ra
Okiedokie 2 2 Mad Bomber Blade Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
OoWah 1 1 Omnitron Dr. Medico: Void Guard, Malpractice
Oprimus 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Legacy
Ostronsås 5 3 Vengeance Style Ra
Ozob 1 1 Kismet Wraith
PBJohnson 1 1 Plague Rat Akash'Thriya: Spirit of the Void
PBrennan 1 1 The Ennead (Advanced) Ra
PCGamerPirate 7 4 The Chairman Tempest
PEnna 1 0 Kaargra Warfang Mr. Fixer: Dark Watch
Pandafriend 1 1 Gloomweaver Fanatic
Paradux 1 1 Apostate Expatriette
Pavane 152 29 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Omnitron-X
Pcgamerpirate 2 2 Cosmic Omnitron Expatriette
Peacock 1 1 Gloomweaver Haka
Pelunar 1 0 Citizen Dawn Ra
Perlkonig 3 3 Baron Blade Ra
Perlkonig 14 9 Akash'bhuta Tempest
Perlkönig 2 2 Akash'bhuta Ra
Perlkönig 3 3 Apostate Tachyon
Persoon56 1 1 Omnitron Ra
Petzzy 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
Peztastic 1 1 Baron Blade Bunker
Phantaskippy 14 8 The Chairman (Advanced) Fanatic
Phaye 1 1 Akash'bhuta Expatriette
Pi3th0n 2 2 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
Pico 1 1 Omnitron Ra
Pictomancer 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
Pipersaurus 1 1 Omnitron Ra
Plosfas 1 1 The Dreamer Ra
PoeticJustice 1 1 Akash'bhuta Ra
Ponyboy 1 0 Omnitron Parse
Positivelyrob 1 1 La Capitan Ra
Positrocity 1 1 Omnitron Ra
PotablePotions 1 1 Chokepoint Wraith
Potatogod93 5 4 Plague Rat Scholar
Powerhoubd_2000 1 1 Apostate Bunker
Powerhound_2000 391 72 Kaargra Warfang (Advanced) Guise
Prestige Worldwide 37 25 Akash'bhuta (Advanced) Tempest
ProdigyM 1 1 Iron Legacy Expatriette
ProjektTHOR 2 2 Baron Blade Expatriette
PsyDM 3 2 Akash'bhuta (Advanced) Argent Adept
Puddleglum 4 4 Akash'bhuta Visionary
PulseGlazer 3 3 Ambuscade Ra
QnoisX 5 3 Spite Unity
Quadis4 1 0 Progeny Fanatic
Quizoid 1 1 Baron Blade Bunker
R2devo 1 1 The Matriarch Tempest 4 4 Ambuscade (Advanced) Unity
Rabk 6 5 Citizen Dawn Legacy: Greatest
RadagastII 1 1 Ambuscade Parse
Radnortuws 5 5 Ambuscade Ra
Radon 1 0 La Capitan Absolute Zero: Freedom Five
Radulla 75 19 Cosmic Omnitron Fanatic
Randerson1995 1 1 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Bunker
Ranerdar 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
Rangertitch 1 1 La Capitan Visionary
Raptorbot 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
Rastimo 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Legacy
Rastlinie@gmail. Com 2 2 Akash'bhuta Mr. Fixer
RavenMac 2 1 Baron Blade Bunker
Razor 1 1 Plague Rat Bunker
Razputin7 1 1 Citizen Dawn Unity: Freedom Six (Golem)
Rbues 84 24 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Argent Adept
ReMa 3 2 La Capitan Absolute Zero: Freedom Six (Elemental Wrath)
Rearick 18 5 Citizen Dawn Expatriette
RedLockes 1 1 Baron Blade Fanatic
RedManatee 1 0 Vengeance Style Benchmark
Reklyn 1 1 Kaargra Warfang Naturalist: Hunted
Rekus ,Llot 1 1 The Chairman (Challenge + Advanced) Absolute Zero
Revocorp Legal Team 14 11 Gloomweaver Stuntman: Action Hero
Rhesus21 1 1 Kismet Bunker
Riddlebox85 2 1 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Ra
Rikoshi 34 21 Akash'bhuta Nightmist
Rikoshi 1 1 Vengeance Style Unity: Freedom Six (Golem)
Rivicen 28 17 The Ennead (Advanced) Tachyon: Freedom Six (Team Leader)
RoCoJo 1 1 Baron Blade Visionary
Robb8888 2 2 Baron Blade Wraith: Rook City
Robert Max Freeman 2 2 Grand Warlord Voss Dr. Medico: Void Guard, Malpractice
Robert Max freeman 1 1 Citizen Dawn Dr. Medico: Void Guard, Malpractice
Rodge 4 3 Ambuscade Legacy
Ronin 1 1 Citizen Dawn Expatriette
Ronway 145 23 The Matriarch (Advanced) Argent Adept
Rookiebatman 2 1 Grand Warlord Voss Fanatic
Rotbeard 2 2 Kaargra Warfang (Advanced) Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
Rougecitron 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
Roxolan 1 0 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
Rubric 6 2 Citizen Dawn Haka
Ruby 1 0 Citizen Dawn Benchmark
Ruduen 45 23 Agent of Gloom Spite (Advanced) Wraith
RuneGrey 10 6 Miss Information Setback
Runner126 1 1 The Dreamer Ra
RunnerReese 5 4 Kaargra Warfang Ra
RunnerReese 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Expatriette
RySmith 1 1 The Chairman Expatriette
RySmith6 5 4 Citizen Dawn Parse
SPJlinc 1 1 Plague Rat Argent Adept
SSJ3Godzilla 6 4 Omnitron Legacy
Sabathius42 1 0 Akash'bhuta (Advanced) Wraith
Sacsquash 7 6 The Ennead (Advanced) Legacy
Salanmander 3 3 Baron Blade Wraith
SamBurke 1 1 The Chairman Fanatic: Redeemer
SamwiseCr 1 1 The Ennead Tempest
Sansis 2 2 Infinitor Ra
Sargonas 1 1 Citizen Dawn Haka
Saturn Green 1 1 Vengeance Style (Advanced) Parse
SavageWarboss 5 3 Mad Bomber Blade Scholar: Of the Infinite
Schnretzl 1 1 Infinitor Ra
Schucity 2 1 The Ennead Ra
Scott 1 1 Plague Rat Fanatic
Scruffdog 1 0 Citizen Dawn Ra
SeenEcigs 5 4 Chokepoint Legacy
Sefirit 127 36 The Matriarch Scholar
Selkies 1 1 Miss Information Captain Cosmic
Sentinel Jack 2 2 Apostate Ra
SentinelAEZ 5 3 Ambuscade Unity
Sentinels 1 0 Kaargra Warfang Ra
Sercos 7 5 Plague Rat Legacy
Servoret 86 28 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Tempest
Sesbeqyinepu 1 1 Iron Legacy Unity: Freedom Six (Golem)
ShadowLink10 1 1 Progeny Bunker
Sharkey 1 1 The Chairman Legacy
Sharkman1231 4 3 Kaargra Warfang Tempest
Shawnjsd 2 2 Plague Rat Argent Adept
Sheemap 1 1 Omnitron Bunker
Sheepfucker 1 1 Ambuscade Ra
Shiguya 2 1 The Dreamer (Advanced) Guise
Shin01 1 1 Apostate Legacy
Shionjin 1 1 Akash'bhuta Expatriette
Shivaran 3 1 Iron Legacy Ra
Shoeby 2 2 Ambuscade Ra
Shroud 18 14 Citizen Dawn Tempest
Shuvel 1 1 The Matriarch Legacy: Greatest
Sickle5 2 1 Omnitron Fanatic
Sidehatch 6 4 Baron Blade Ra
Silexe 1 1 The Chairman Expatriette
Silverleaf 19 9 La Capitan Fanatic
SirAston 1 1 Plague Rat Wraith: Rook City
Sjur 1 1 Baron Blade (Advanced) Tempest
Skalc 1 0 Spite Fanatic
Skalchemist 5 3 Miss Information Fanatic
Skalchemist 45 12 Omnitron (Advanced) Haka
Skeo 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Fanatic
Skoticus 2 1 Infinitor Unity: Freedom Six (Golem)
Skrizzy 1 1 Deadline Unity
Skulldoggery 1 1 Wager Master Expatriette
Skynight85 1 1 Cosmic Omnitron Bunker
Skype Game 7 4 Cosmic Omnitron Absolute Zero
Smandero 1 0 Kaargra Warfang Fanatic
Smithore 3 3 Akash'bhuta Bunker
Snowcub 1 1 Miss Information Scholar
Sojiro888 8 3 Plague Rat Naturalist
Sompik 1 1 The Dreamer Wraith
Soren 1 1 Progeny Ra
Soulless 1 1 Gloomweaver (Advanced) Ra
Speakerdad 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
Spiegel 1 1 Baron Blade Tempest
SpoonT 1 1 Baron Blade Tempest
Sputang 1 1 Baron Blade Bunker
Sqweegel 9 6 Akash'bhuta Parse
Starryxenos 3 2 Iron Legacy Bunker
Steelbeard 3 1 Baron Blade Haka
Steelviper 1 1 Ambuscade Haka
Stephen 4 4 Baron Blade Bunker
StephenV 8 7 Citizen Dawn Absolute Zero
Steve 1 1 The Dreamer (Advanced) Visionary
Stevil2001 5 3 Vengeance Style Legacy
Stilladyj 3 2 Kaargra Warfang The Sentinels
Stilladyj 1 1 Akash'bhuta Ra
Stohot 1 1 La Capitan Ra
Strahler 2 1 Omnitron Bunker
Stupendous Man 10 9 Baron Blade (Advanced) Fanatic
Stupendousman 1 0 Citizen Dawn Bunker
Sunrust 11 8 Citizen Dawn Omnitron-X
Surrey 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
Sw0rm 1 1 The Ennead Fanatic
SwordOfMiceAndMen 5 3 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Expatriette
Szopn 1 0 Plague Rat Ra
Szpon 6 4 The Ennead Tachyon
TAGames 3 3 Omnitron Tempest
TAKettel 3 2 Gloomweaver Wraith
TCP 190 39 Akash'bhuta Expatriette
TCPn 1 1 Agent of Gloom Spite (Advanced) Parse
TKRKS 10 9 Omnitron Naturalist
Tadashiro 3 2 Infinitor Mainstay: Void Guard
TakeWalker 1559 119 Miss Information (Challenge) Legacy
TakeWalkerq 1 1 Progeny La Comodora
Talamare 14 3 Apostate Scholar
TaoGaming 24 9 Apostate Wraith
Tarken84 1 1 Citizen Dawn Ra
Tarken84 1 1 Deadline Ra
Taron988 2 2 Ambuscade Ra
Tavanio 2 1 The Dreamer Omnitron-X
Taylor 1 1 Agent of Gloom Spite Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
Technomagus 2 2 The Chairman Wraith
Techonrye 1 1 Omnitron Ra
Teensies 15 9 Akash'bhuta K.N.Y.F.E.: Rogue Agent
Teensies_King 8 5 Ambuscade Naturalist: Hunted
Tegulus 34 17 Agent of Gloom Spite Scholar
Tegulus 1 1 Infinitor Haka: Prime Warden
TehtherGrane 1 1 Kismet Fanatic
Teomessos 1 1 Vengeance Style The Sentinels: Adamant
Test 1 1 Agent of Gloom Spite (Advanced) Argent Adept
Test Game 1 1 Akash'bhuta (Challenge + Advanced) Expatriette
TetherGrane 43 22 Miss Information Legacy
Than0s 4 3 Omnitron Argent Adept
The Burl of Sandwich 1 0 Omnitron Wraith
The Iron Zombie 2 1 The Matriarch Fanatic
The Scarecrow 1 0 Gloomweaver Ra
The-Gamemaniac/Kailen Clemont 1 1 Baron Blade (Challenge + Advanced) Visionary
TheBrokenGamer 4 4 Akash'bhuta Sky-Scraper
TheDoc 54 36 Agent of Gloom Spite (Challenge) Sky-Scraper
TheDreadGazebo 5 4 Spite (Advanced) K.N.Y.F.E.
TheRadGasm 1 0 Skinwalker Gloomweaver Setback: Dark Watch
TheRock 1 1 The Matriarch Tempest
TheSciencePrincess 1 1 Apostate Fanatic
TheSoundOfTrees 252 30 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Argent Adept
TheSteveAllen 9 5 Apostate Haka
The_Gamemaniac 1 1 Ambuscade Unity
The_Gamemaniac/Kailen Clemont 12 6 Cosmic Omnitron Legacy: Greatest
Therebrae 1 1 Plague Rat Ra
Theta_Omega 2 2 Chokepoint The Sentinels: Adamant
Thunderforge 3 1 Cosmic Omnitron K.N.Y.F.E.
Thyoga 8 2 Baron Blade (Advanced) Ra
Tilolo76 1 0 The Matriarch Haka
Tim 1 1 Vengeance Style Legacy: Greatest
Tim4488 1 1 Gloomweaver Ra
Timfortress 1 1 Citizen Dawn Ra
TitaniumEdge29 1 0 Citizen Dawn Bunker
ToDream 1 1 Omnitron Bunker
ToDream 1 1 Plague Rat Parse
Toba 2 2 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Ra
Toiski 23 15 Deadline Omnitron-X
Tommy Brownell 1 1 Plague Rat Bunker
Toomanybarts 1 1 Omnitron Ra
Tootzo 2 1 Omnitron The Sentinels
Toph 2 2 Chokepoint K.N.Y.F.E.
TraderG 1 1 Chokepoint Haka
Trajector 1 0 Infinitor Stuntman
Trallnar 1 1 Baron Blade Scholar
Trek 4 2 Gloomweaver (Advanced) Ra
Trickmeister 1 1 Gloomweaver Expatriette
Trickrune 6 5 La Capitan Dr. Medico: Void Guard
Tubarush 15 12 Miss Information Captain Cosmic
Turbonitromonkey 2 2 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
Turnabout 1 1 Iron Legacy Legacy: Greatest
TwasBrillig 1 1 Cosmic Omnitron Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
Twinkleberri 1 1 Deadline Fanatic
Twitsan 4 3 Mad Bomber Blade Ra
Tynam 1 1 Plague Rat Bunker
Tyrone_jones 1 0 Apostate Fanatic
UWWJedi 9 8 Akash'bhuta Tempest
UXM 1 1 Ambuscade (Challenge + Advanced) Haka
UXM266 3 2 Apostate Nightmist
Ulairi 3 2 Citizen Dawn Tempest
Ulysses117 5 4 Apostate Expatriette
UnheardGrace 35 26 Grand Warlord Voss Legacy
Unix 2 2 Gloomweaver (Challenge + Advanced) Mr. Fixer
UnrelentingCuriosity 1 0 Iron Legacy Bunker
Urban_Ronin 5 4 Deadline Sky-Scraper
Urchin 1 1 Gloomweaver Fanatic
Urthstrong 1 1 Gloomweaver Ra
UsernameElemental 5 1 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Fanatic
Vagirgin 1 1 The Matriarch Fanatic
Vasher 3 3 Grand Warlord Voss Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
VaughnP 24 9 Spite (Advanced) Bunker
Ventinian 1 1 Omnitron Ra
Veto 112 44 Agent of Gloom Spite (Challenge) Legacy
Vex 5 4 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Tempest
Victim 14 5 Plague Rat Bunker
Victor Mancha 3 3 Baron Blade Ra
Viktor113 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
Vlarg 1 1 The Ennead (Advanced) Wraith: Freedom Six (Price of Freedom)
Volagar 1 1 The Dreamer Ra
Vorpal_Bunny 1 1 La Capitan Haka
Vorticus 544 105 Iron Legacy (Advanced) The Sentinels
Vulcan 1 1 La Capitan Expatriette: Dark Watch
Vyulzzi 1 1 Vengeance Style Tempest
Wake of Godzilla 1 1 Akash'bhuta Tempest
Wansari88 1 0 Spite Haka
Wargamer777 1 0 Miss Information Wraith
Warmagon 6 4 The Matriarch (Advanced) Legacy
Watson690 1 1 Akash'bhuta Ra
We're going to play, Steve 1 1 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Tempest
WeirdGamer 5 5 Ambuscade Tempest
Wendell 14 6 Baron Blade Ra
Weregoingtoplaysteve 2 2 Infinitor Haka
Wex 7 6 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Captain Cosmic
Wh1tcomb 1 1 Citizen Dawn Bunker
Whargolflorp 2 2 Gloomweaver Absolute Zero
Wheremi 366 98 Chokepoint (Advanced) Dr. Medico: Void Guard
Wildbill777 1 0 Grand Warlord Voss Fanatic
WinterKnight 1 1 The Dreamer Expatriette
WiredWiz 2 2 Ambuscade Fanatic
WiredWizard 3 1 Cosmic Omnitron Fanatic
Wolvercote 3 2 Apostate Tempest
WookieWill 1 0 Deadline Fanatic: Prime Warden
Wotan 1 1 Akash'bhuta Tempest
WylieTimes 1 1 La Capitan Haka: Prime Warden
X411811x 1 1 Wager Master K.N.Y.F.E.: Rogue Agent
XChylde 50 18 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Legacy
XChylde17 3 3 Infinitor Setback
XXVZ 37 16 The Dreamer Legacy
Xaintrix 5 3 Baron Blade Fanatic
Xanathos 1 1 The Matriarch Tempest
Xcv 1 1 Baron Blade Bunker
Xenedus 1 1 Akash'bhuta Legacy: Young
XerxesShield 1 1 Citizen Dawn Haka
Xxvz 4 3 Baron Blade Wraith
Yokiboy 31 14 Iron Legacy Absolute Zero
Yollege 1 0 Plague Rat Haka
YouLostMe 5 4 Baron Blade K.N.Y.F.E.
Youperguy 57 19 La Capitan Fanatic
Zaki 1 1 Baron Blade Tempest
Zalrus9 5 3 Grand Warlord Voss Argent Adept
ZamielVanWeber 5 4 The Dreamer Ra
Zamomin 6 6 Ambuscade Benchmark
Zareth 1 1 Iron Legacy Ra
ZarethG 2 1 The Dreamer Fanatic
Zassor 4 4 Gloomweaver Legacy
Zed 8 5 Miss Information Tempest
Zed993 3 0 The Dreamer (Advanced) Tempest
ZeeZeeStats 1 0 The Dreamer Visionary
Zelbinian 2 1 Baron Blade Ra
ZenMuso 1 1 Deadline Bunker
Zero 1 0 Kaargra Warfang The Sentinels
ZeroGravitas 9 7 Skinwalker Gloomweaver Legacy: Greatest
Ziraffe 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Wraith
Zithras 1 1 La Capitan Ra
Zk 1 1 La Capitan Ra
ZombieKipper 2 2 Plague Rat Expatriette
Zorbed 21 11 Wager Master (Advanced) Haka
Zuese 1 0 La Capitan Unity
Zuglord 4 3 The Chairman Wraith: Freedom Six (Price of Freedom)
Zuluar 1 1 Plague Rat Ra
_makio_ 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Fanatic
a0ashle 3 2 Vengeance Style Tempest
aarenson 3 3 Baron Blade Legacy: Greatest
abbelson2 1 0 Kaargra Warfang (Challenge) Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
abelson2 3 1 Iron Legacy (Challenge) Akash'Thriya: Spirit of the Void
ablaze 1 1 La Capitan K.N.Y.F.E.
abnelson2 10052 124 Cosmic Omnitron (Challenge + Advanced) Legacy 2 1 Unstable Kismet (Challenge + Advanced) Expatriette
abnelsontwo 1 0 Miss Information (Challenge + Advanced) Legacy: Greatest
abnleson2 1 0 Skinwalker Gloomweaver (Advanced) Stuntman: Action Hero
abredon 1 1 Kismet Ra
adenton 1 1 Omnitron Fanatic
adismaltheft 2 2 Baron Blade Fanatic
afgncaap 2 2 Apostate Unity
agentbart 71 21 Agent of Gloom Spite Bunker
ahath80 1 1 Akash'bhuta Ra
airhorse 3 3 Ambuscade Ra
airzza 1 1 The Chairman (Advanced) Tempest
akapastorguy 46 21 Iron Legacy Scholar
akapastorguy 1 1 Vengeance Style Scholar
alienbunny 23 9 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Bunker
allezpsg 1 0 Apostate Legacy
alliyc 1 1 Kismet Ra
amerikano 8 4 Progeny Legacy
and 1 1 Omnitron Unity
animus 2 1 The Dreamer Ra
archwaykitten 7 4 Apostate (Challenge + Advanced) Argent Adept
arenson9 10 8 Iron Legacy Chrono-Ranger
ariel 1 1 Plague Rat Tempest
arnoldvi1 8 7 Ambuscade Wraith
aschwa2 1 1 The Matriarch Haka
atariese 1 0 Vengeance Style Stuntman
atrayu13 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Expatriette
auspice 1 1 Miss Information Expatriette
austynriley 1 0 Infinitor Parse
awd 48 20 Cosmic Omnitron Haka
awmiller 1 1 The Chairman Legacy: Young
awong 291 45 Spite (Advanced) Omnitron-X
awp832 1 0 The Matriarch (Advanced) Tempest
ay2b 1 0 Spite Wraith
baka 2 2 Miss Information Naturalist
baronkohinar 2 2 Chokepoint Fanatic
battleaxe 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Haka
baychang 2 1 Plague Rat Ra
bayleerules 2 2 Citizen Dawn Haka
beardednomad 1 1 Citizen Dawn Tempest
beesepeach 1 1 Deadline Parse
benno1979 3 1 La Capitan Ra
bentheman 2 2 Progeny Ra
blackpaladin 2 0 Plague Rat Bunker
blwinfrey 1 1 Spite (Advanced) Wraith
bmacfarlane 4 2 Kaargra Warfang Captain Cosmic
bobo72a 1 1 Gloomweaver Tempest
bolnerap 1016 113 Cosmic Omnitron (Challenge + Advanced) Visionary
bolnerap 1 1 The Ennead Chrono-Ranger: Best of Times
brayle 1 1 Kismet Ra
brecken 1 1 Baron Blade (Advanced) Bunker
brett_spieler 2 2 Kismet Ra
briarfox 2 2 Baron Blade Scholar
bsniffen 1 1 Miss Information Unity
bstr413 20 14 Kismet (Advanced) Legacy
bts 3 2 Citizen Dawn Wraith
burdfishdemon 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
burningneuron 3 3 Grand Warlord Voss Scholar
c_s_williams1978 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
caitrmcs 1 1 Baron Blade Unity
cak 1 0 Apostate Ra
camipco 39 17 Citizen Dawn Unity 1 0 Cosmic Omnitron Visionary: Dark
captain Fanatic 8 6 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Fanatic
carbonetc 2 2 Baron Blade Wraith
carl.karnuth 9 5 Akash'bhuta Ra
carnilius 9 7 Akash'bhuta Haka
cathexis 13 10 The Chairman Fanatic
cerhob 1 0 Kaargra Warfang Parse
cgrater 10 7 Akash'bhuta Fanatic
charlesthegamer216 2 1 The Ennead Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
choc235 31 21 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Stuntman
chris3145 2 2 Infinitor Captain Cosmic
chrismith85 12 9 Akash'bhuta Chrono-Ranger
chrono3d 4 3 Miss Information Unity
chrysoberyl 1 1 Progeny Ra
civilinquisitor 1 1 Citizen Dawn Haka
claymore114 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
cmschex 16 14 Iron Legacy Wraith
codermike 6 3 Spite Bunker
cokeandsympathy 7 6 The Dreamer Parse
coolCharizard 1 1 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Fanatic
cosined 3 3 Apostate Unity
cosorio 6 6 Gloomweaver Scholar
cozmic0 3 2 Baron Blade Wraith
cpmorgan 1 1 Apostate Ra
cram42587 26 13 Akash'bhuta Tachyon
crduemli 1 0 Plague Rat (Advanced) Expatriette
crduemling 54 24 Akash'bhuta (Advanced) Nightmist
crospix 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
crunk_posby 1 0 Omnitron Legacy: Young
ctaynton 78 32 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Tempest
cymor 3 3 Baron Blade Bunker
cyrobot 1 0 The Matriarch Fanatic
danilopatro 1 0 Baron Blade Bunker
danmanisa 4 2 Baron Blade Fanatic
danmarshall14 1 1 Vengeance Style Legacy: Greatest
dannte 1 1 La Capitan Scholar: Of the Infinite
darleth 1 1 The Ennead Ra
datsc001 1 1 Akash'bhuta Unity
dclietz 3 1 Infinitor Ra
ddchasek 145 44 Iron Legacy Ra
deadmaninschool 2 1 The Chairman Bunker
deserter85 3 2 Plague Rat Expatriette
deurlaus 1 1 Citizen Dawn Ra
deviltongue 1 1 Akash'bhuta Tempest
devourblast 31 18 Vengeance Style The Sentinels
dfreidin 2 1 Kaargra Warfang Stuntman: Action Hero
dheiman 2 1 Grand Warlord Voss Tempest
dhtilly 1 1 Omnitron Ra
diceguyd30 1 1 Kismet Unity
dion4 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Wraith
dipnlik 2 1 Omnitron Expatriette
discombob 5 3 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Tachyon
discosteve 1 0 Omnitron (Advanced) Fanatic
djsudlow 38 23 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Legacy
dk1234 2 0 Grand Warlord Voss Fanatic
dkc865 1 1 Baron Blade Tempest
dmarket01 3 2 Gloomweaver Bunker: Freedom Five
dmarket01 2 0 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Scholar
dmesserly 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
dmeyer321 1 1 The Matriarch Tempest
dolirn 21 14 Akash'bhuta Stuntman: Action Hero
dorisenthecat 1 0 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Ra
dorktron2000 40 8 Omnitron Legacy
dprcooke 16 13 Skinwalker Gloomweaver Tempest
dpt 40 24 Agent of Gloom Spite Fanatic
dr.wheatie 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
dracul104 1 1 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
dralanchiu 3 3 Apostate Ra
drb1004 84 27 Agent of Gloom Spite Ra
drb1004 22 9 Baron Blade Akash'Thriya 1 1 Spite Fanatic 1 1 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Benchmark: Supply and Demand
drevilz4l 14 8 Baron Blade (Advanced) K.N.Y.F.E.
drlundhagen 3 2 Kismet Unity: Freedom Six (Golem)
drstein2004 1 1 The Dreamer Visionary: Dark
dspringer13 13 5 Cosmic Omnitron Fanatic
duskrequiem 3 2 Akash'bhuta Fanatic
dusty29100 3 2 Gloomweaver Setback
dusty29100 2 2 Cosmic Omnitron Expatriette
eNamorD 21 9 Agent of Gloom Spite Omnitron-X
ea 1 1 Citizen Dawn Ra
eggroll20xd6 3 2 The Chairman Wraith: Freedom Six (Price of Freedom)
eibeitu 159 38 Akash'bhuta (Advanced) Unity
ein1017 1 1 The Chairman Dr. Medico: Void Guard
el Nate 1 0 Baron Blade Tempest
elileo 1 1 The Dreamer Expatriette
emporer 1 1 Baron Blade (Challenge + Advanced) Ra
endian 10 4 Apostate Ra
epaulson72 4 4 Gloomweaver Ra
eric&leah 1 1 Citizen Dawn Expatriette
ericmpaq 2 1 The Ennead Ra
erinmcm1 2 1 Deadline (Advanced) Parse
espike 1 1 Kaargra Warfang Visionary
evandan55 1 0 Iron Legacy Bunker: Freedom Six (Engine of War)
evren2 1 1 Gloomweaver Visionary
exshin 1 1 The Ennead Argent Adept
fabikw 1 0 Omnitron Wraith
fatbaldguy 1 1 Progeny K.N.Y.F.E.: Rogue Agent
fba827 34 10 Baron Blade (Advanced) Tempest
fbinder 13 7 Infinitor (Advanced) Tachyon
felix824 1 1 Deadline Tempest
fig 7 4 The Chairman Unity
firstfletch 1 0 Baron Blade (Advanced) Bunker
fizzgig 1 1 Akash'bhuta Benchmark
flamethrower49 116 25 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Nightmist
flavastraw 1 1 Omnitron Tempest
fredbob1134 1 1 Baron Blade Wraith: Rook City
freeclint 25 5 Omnitron Legacy
frisk 2 1 Infinitor (Advanced) Wraith
frogger009 1 0 La Capitan Chrono-Ranger
furlion 3 3 Citizen Dawn Ra
gaffa 1 1 Infinitor Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
gailon24 1 1 The Matriarch Expatriette
gbaddorf 2 2 Apostate Haka
geek13579 1 1 Ambuscade Expatriette
geektalk 1 1 Spite Ra
geekyraccoon 1 1 Iron Legacy Visionary: Dark
gg 1 0 The Matriarch Legacy: Young
glasstop 1 0 Citizen Dawn Expatriette
gobeer 1 1 Miss Information Expatriette
gocamels 1 1 Plague Rat The Sentinels
google + 7 5 Cosmic Omnitron Naturalist
google game 3 3 Ambuscade (Advanced) Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
google games 10 6 La Capitan Tachyon
gordan110 1 1 The Ennead Ra
gossamerica 574 54 Ambuscade (Challenge + Advanced) Legacy
gremlin1384 1 1 Miss Information Ra
greylag 5 4 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Parse
grysqrl 19 12 Plague Rat (Advanced) Tachyon
harkthrokgedunth@gmail 3 1 Omnitron Wraith 18 6 La Capitan Legacy
highroller 87 26 The Ennead (Advanced) Nightmist
hiko 1 0 The Chairman Expatriette
hommebulis 1 1 Akash'bhuta Expatriette
hotsaucejar 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Stuntman: Action Hero
htmlord 2 2 Citizen Dawn Legacy
hzar 1 0 Plague Rat Ra
ian.hankin 1 1 Apostate Expatriette
igarka 3 2 Citizen Dawn Bunker
igneus 1 1 Infinitor Legacy: Greatest
inquisitorzeng 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
iridiobis 1 1 Spite Tempest
irishgamerdood 14 10 Citizen Dawn Parse
ironhide1 3 2 Vengeance Style Fanatic
itsshortstuff 3 2 Vengeance Style Captain Cosmic
ivsdgn 10 5 Iron Legacy Expatriette: Dark Watch
j1hopki1 95 26 Agent of Gloom Spite (Advanced) Chrono-Ranger
jackofallgeeks 3 3 Citizen Dawn Visionary
jaimeb 1 1 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
jaqueses 3 0 Infinitor Fanatic: Prime Warden
jasdavis 3 2 La Capitan Legacy
jasonhaas2000 2 2 Miss Information Fanatic
jasonmiceli 1 1 Apostate Ra
jayBee 1 0 Akash'bhuta Ra
jchavez 1 1 Akash'bhuta (Advanced) Legacy
jdcp 33 17 Agent of Gloom Spite Expatriette
jeff 1 1 Deadline (Advanced) Expatriette
jesnider 2 1 The Dreamer Expatriette
jesse_garcia 16 10 The Matriarch Parse
jesterhawk 3 1 Baron Blade Haka
jhochges 7 6 Gloomweaver Sky-Scraper
jimeni7 1 1 Wager Master Haka: Prime Warden
jimmy35 1 1 Baron Blade Expatriette
jimskog99 1 1 Akash'bhuta Tempest: Prime Warden
jimuendo 1 1 Omnitron Ra
jjjim007 2 2 Akash'bhuta Expatriette
jkl620 19 10 Apostate Omnitron-X
jmcgover 1 0 Iron Legacy Fanatic
jmix 10 7 Spite Tachyon: Super Scientific
jobert 1 1 Spite Fanatic
jofoursome 1 0 Citizen Dawn Bunker
jojo 1 0 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
jokeserver 1 1 Omnitron Bunker
jpicone 3 3 Baron Blade Fanatic
jschlotz 1 1 Omnitron Haka
jshubert5478 1 0 The Dreamer Tempest
justa 2 2 Citizen Dawn Visionary
jv 1 1 Ambuscade Haka
kainnived 1 1 The Chairman Wraith
kamisage 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Expatriette
kattattack22 6 5 Citizen Dawn Unity
kaybenleroll 1 1 Citizen Dawn Ra
kc9nxc 4 1 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Unity
kcm 13 5 Kismet (Advanced) Tachyon: Freedom Six (Team Leader)
kennyc22 1 1 Baron Blade Wraith
kennyg26p2 10 8 Progeny Sky-Scraper
ketigid 84 27 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Legacy
khorgor 1 1 Omnitron Haka
kilroy 21 13 The Matriarch Parse
kingofsouls 2 2 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
kipernicus 3 2 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Expatriette
kkintaro 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
kmikolaj 4 3 The Matriarch Expatriette
knockhead 12 8 Omnitron (Challenge) Tachyon
koutrou 27 16 Baron Blade Chrono-Ranger
kperales 1 1 Citizen Dawn Legacy: Greatest
kram006 6 5 Omnitron Legacy
l4g 1 0 Plague Rat Bunker
lastalchemist 9 7 Grand Warlord Voss The Sentinels
leexin89 1 0 Citizen Dawn Ra
legionbrony 1 0 La Capitan Fanatic
lemming622 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
lepsdavid 2 1 Akash'bhuta Tempest
levinnd 2 2 Baron Blade (Advanced) Tempest
liberuno 1 1 Apostate Expatriette
lihad 1 1 Baron Blade Parse
lijda 2 2 Baron Blade Wraith
likefunbutnot 5 3 Iron Legacy Omnitron-X
limitbroken 3 2 Kaargra Warfang Argent Adept: Dark Conductor (Kvothe)
linzbm 1 1 Infinitor (Advanced) Omnitron-X: Omnitron-U
lonepwolf 1 1 Chokepoint Tempest
lordof1 9 6 Omnitron Wraith
lordofthefishes 2 2 Baron Blade (Challenge) Scholar
louism 1 0 The Matriarch Expatriette
lovinglydull 1 0 Akash'bhuta Fanatic
luce1sw 1 0 The Matriarch Argent Adept
ludkubo 83 20 Cosmic Omnitron Fanatic
luxliquidus 1 0 The Chairman Fanatic
lynkfox 65 23 Baron Blade (Advanced) Expatriette
m 1 0 The Ennead (Advanced) Expatriette
mSoul01 1 1 Omnitron Fanatic
mantheron 1 1 Miss Information Bunker
mark minnich 1 0 Wager Master Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
markemmert 2 1 Iron Legacy Unity
markminnich 1 0 Progeny Bunker
martydelaney3 3 3 Chokepoint Ra
mastrick 1 0 Miss Information Ra
matchstickman 2 2 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Haka
mattdude00 1 1 Progeny K.N.Y.F.E.
mccrispy 3 2 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
mdeflo 12 7 Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) Ra
mendishar 1 1 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
meruwalker 1 1 Progeny Captain Cosmic
michfigs 1 0 Kismet Unity
mikeb13603 14 8 Ambuscade Omnitron-X
mikebob1134 3 3 Akash'bhuta Wraith
mimito 3 1 Iron Legacy Naturalist
mkgray 6 4 Iron Legacy (Advanced) Ra
mlangsdorf 90 42 The Dreamer Ra
mongoose 5 5 Baron Blade (Advanced) Fanatic
mrfettuccine 3 2 Vengeance Style Fanatic
mrsuitcase 2 2 Ambuscade Bunker
much0gust0 2 1 Vengeance Style Fanatic
mungnung 4 3 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
murse 1 0 Skinwalker Gloomweaver Argent Adept: Dark Conductor (Kvothe)
murse 35 18 Citizen Dawn Parse
namith 4 3 Vengeance Style Wraith
nathanielbuck 3 3 Ambuscade Legacy
nathanielbuck14 1 0 Kaargra Warfang Expatriette
naturesbandit 1 1 Plague Rat Haka: Prime Warden
neonelephant 2 1 Baron Blade Fanatic
nhodas 1 1 Vengeance Style Legacy: Greatest
nielzabub 3 3 Grand Warlord Voss Bunker
noise tank 4 3 La Capitan Captain Cosmic
nshall 9 3 Vengeance Style The Sentinels
nutella_pringles 5 5 Akash'bhuta (Advanced) Mr. Fixer
nzmongoose 1 1 La Capitan Fanatic
o 1 1 Ambuscade Ra
oddbod 1 0 La Capitan Ra
omegazion 1 0 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Ra
onid 1 0 Baron Blade Fanatic
origami swami 2 1 La Capitan Ra
origamiswami 57 24 Miss Information Sky-Scraper
origmiswami 1 1 The Ennead Visionary
ornithopter 2 1 The Matriarch Ra
orzhvopatriarch 4 4 Apostate Expatriette
orzvhopatriarch 1 1 Progeny Ra
patolixo 1 1 Ambuscade Expatriette
patriciomas 23 15 Agent of Gloom Spite Omnitron-X
patronics 11 7 Apostate Argent Adept
paypay 5 3 Apostate Fanatic
payprplayn 1 1 The Matriarch Expatriette
pbeaudet 1 0 Omnitron Nightmist
pbeaudet99 5 1 Kismet Expatriette
pelunar 22 15 Vengeance Style Fanatic
peowraaku 1 1 The Matriarch Ra
permagoof 8 6 Cosmic Omnitron Wraith
pgbsamurai 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
phantaskippy 3 3 Ambuscade (Advanced) Visionary
phantomwhale 1 0 Kismet Argent Adept
pietran30 4 3 Spite Wraith
pigsflew 1 0 Apostate Expatriette
pikapotter413 55 27 Miss Information Tachyon
pileswasp 1 0 The Dreamer Haka
pilotcale 1 1 The Matriarch Ra
pjr86 7 5 Iron Legacy Nightmist
playerbro2 1 1 The Dreamer Tempest
poeticruse 11 9 La Capitan Wraith
poi2000 7 2 Akash'bhuta Mr. Fixer
pony 2 2 Kismet Chrono-Ranger
potatogod93 5 3 Plague Rat Legacy
powerhound_2000 4 3 Kaargra Warfang Tempest
poypoyking 3 3 Chokepoint Wraith: Freedom Six (Price of Freedom)
pppery 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Legacy
prosfilaes 17 7 Ambuscade (Advanced) Tempest
ps 1 1 The Ennead Ra
pulpcitizen 1 1 Citizen Dawn Ra
pwatson1974 198 19 Iron Legacy Legacy: Young
pyrosocks 1 0 Mad Bomber Blade (Advanced) Bunker
qwertrer96 1 1 Spite Expatriette
r3tr3ad 1 1 Omnitron The Sentinels
ranald 18 8 Omnitron Ra
rangertitch 6 5 Citizen Dawn K.N.Y.F.E.: Rogue Agent
raptorhunter 1 0 Deadline (Advanced) Tempest
razor831 2 2 Plague Rat Ra
rbues 2 1 Plague Rat Ra
redlife000 3 2 Ambuscade Parse
reklyn 3 3 Kaargra Warfang Sky-Scraper
rgonejr 6 3 Plague Rat Expatriette
rhesus21 1 1 Baron Blade (Advanced) Ra
rkcr 4 1 Gloomweaver Expatriette
rlangan92 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
robecoyote 1 1 Miss Information Scholar
robertjohnanderson95 1 1 Chokepoint Tempest
robertmaxfreeman 8 7 Apostate Omnitron-X
robertmaxfrreeman 1 1 Spite (Advanced) Scholar: Of the Infinite
robertmaxwellfreeman 60 29 Iron Legacy Guise: Completionist 2 2 Agent of Gloom Spite The Sentinels 1 1 Citizen Dawn Guise: Completionist
robertmfreeman 9 8 Grand Warlord Voss Bunker: GI
rols 1 1 Apostate Haka
rookiebatman 3 3 Chokepoint Argent Adept
rrenaud 1 1 The Ennead Mr. Fixer
rubric 9 4 Citizen Dawn Fanatic 211 95 Apostate (Advanced) Tachyon: Freedom Six (Team Leader)
ryudoowaru 1 1 Gloomweaver Tempest
saiyanhunter 5 4 Spite Legacy
sameery 3 2 Progeny Bunker
savagegreywolf 3 3 Gloomweaver Wraith: Rook City
saxmaam 4 3 The Ennead Tempest
sbrindle 1 1 The Chairman Expatriette
scarecrowking 1 1 Apostate Expatriette 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Fanatic
sctfen 2 0 Grand Warlord Voss Wraith
sebinspace 32 9 Baron Blade (Advanced) Tempest
sgibson260 8 5 Progeny Omnitron-X
sharek 3 3 Grand Warlord Voss Tempest
sheriffbrooks 1 1 Omnitron (Advanced) Fanatic
shimage 3 3 Citizen Dawn Scholar
shinymilbings 2 1 Cosmic Omnitron Ra
sickle5 26 15 Iron Legacy Guise
silverleaf 1 1 The Dreamer Tempest
sirreality 4 3 Omnitron Haka
sjzhu 5 3 Grand Warlord Voss Tempest
skalchemist 294 67 Citizen Dawn (Challenge + Advanced) Ra
skalchemist` 1 1 The Ennead Ra
skynight85 1 0 The Chairman Visionary
sldains 1 0 Citizen Dawn Ra
smafdi 10 7 The Dreamer Argent Adept
smashthedean 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
smrq 2 2 Gloomweaver Nightmist
sorcere 6 5 Ambuscade Ra
soul31 2 2 Kismet Mr. Fixer
spathi4tw 5 3 Apostate Fanatic
spinningdice 1 0 Vengeance Style Visionary
squad 31 5 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Ra
srhoden 24 14 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Visionary: Dark
starganz 1 1 Baron Blade Fanatic
stevelabny 9 7 La Capitan (Advanced) Visionary
stevenjackson121 54 16 Iron Legacy (Challenge + Advanced) Legacy: Greatest
stohot 2 1 Citizen Dawn Visionary
strahler 4 3 Citizen Dawn Ra
superguin200 1 1 Kaargra Warfang (Advanced) Bunker
supernovajm 10 7 Grand Warlord Voss Argent Adept
supro47 1 1 The Matriarch Expatriette
surrey 1 1 Ambuscade Fanatic
svchost 1 0 Wager Master Unity
takettel 1 1 The Matriarch Legacy
tarpshack 2 1 Plague Rat Ra
tenketsu 32 13 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Wraith
test 3 3 Agent of Gloom Spite (Advanced) Argent Adept
thatcsguy 1 1 Citizen Dawn Haka
thebriarfox 1 1 Infinitor Wraith
thedentist 1 1 Baron Blade (Advanced) Ra
theflavorblue 7 2 Ambuscade (Advanced) Argent Adept
therationalpi 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Ra
therealstevencg 1 1 The Ennead Stuntman: Action Hero
theta0 1 1 Skinwalker Gloomweaver Bunker
thrawn.kol 57 43 Agent of Gloom Spite (Challenge + Advanced) Bunker: Freedom Five
titanmatrix 1 0 The Ennead Expatriette
titrationator 1 1 Kaargra Warfang Ra
transcend11 1 1 Omnitron Ra
trickrune 27 12 The Chairman Haka
trickyslick 3 2 Citizen Dawn Fanatic
tridens 1 0 Omnitron Wraith
truemane 2 1 Miss Information Omnitron-X
truetorment 23 15 Cosmic Omnitron Ra
tsjb 1 1 Vengeance Style La Comodora: Curse of the Black Spot
twenty 1 1 Citizen Dawn Haka
twiley19 1 0 Citizen Dawn Ra
tyrone_jones 2 1 Baron Blade Ra
ufonium_guy 1 1 Baron Blade Ra
unity 2 2 Baron Blade (Advanced) Expatriette
uwwjedi 1 1 Akash'bhuta Haka
vanAdamme 3 2 The Ennead Nightmist
vbmw 1 1 The Dreamer Tempest
wac 1 1 The Chairman Ra: Horus of Two Horizons
wadegiles 11 6 Citizen Dawn (Advanced) Expatriette
wcclark 4 3 The Dreamer Ra
wheeties012 2 2 Baron Blade Ra
wilesps 2 2 The Dreamer Visionary: Unleashed
wmcduff 4 2 Citizen Dawn Haka
wow just by the skin of my teeth with ra sending his last blast before oblivion 1 1 Ambuscade (Challenge + Advanced) Setback: Dark Watch
wrhyme29 6 5 Agent of Gloom Spite (Challenge) Stuntman: Action Hero
wszejgis 1 1 Baron Blade Haka
wxman40 8 5 Omnitron Argent Adept
wyken 6 3 Citizen Dawn Ra
x411811x 4 3 Spite Expatriette
xargot 2 2 Ambuscade (Advanced) Argent Adept
xj3572 1 1 Baron Blade Legacy: Greatest
xxvz 2 1 Kismet Ra
yevs 1 1 La Capitan Haka: XTREME Prime Warden
yomster 3 1 Deadline Nightmist
youlostme 9 7 Apostate Setback
zachport123 1 0 Omnitron Ra
zagman505 2 2 Deadline Expatriette
zamarron 1 1 Infinitor Haka
zarquan 9 7 Akash'bhuta Visionary
zassor 34 17 Iron Legacy Ra
zeffiro 1 1 Baron Blade Fanatic
zelink551 23 12 Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) Tempest
zellspell 1 1 Grand Warlord Voss Expatriette
zerix807 1 1 The Ennead Ra
zerosatanmine 15 12 Omnitron Argent Adept
zespri 2 1 Omnitron Ra
ziggydraco 2 2 The Chairman Visionary
ziroonderel 7 5 Ambuscade Tempest
zyxx 1 0 Baron Blade Haka