The Kingdom of France (Plantation Colony) — Level 0

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 456 44.93% 25.33 -1.922 68.42% -0.609 -0.0354
Dahan Insurrection 4 714 25.98% 49.61 9.624 80.11% -0.494 -0.0945
Despicable Theft 2 22 59.09% 30.27 1.347 59.09% -0.805 -0.5222
Elemental Invocation 1 46 64.44% 24.41 -2.092 52.17% -1.229 -0.7895
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 1651 11.34% 34.54 1.966 86.25% -0.463 -0.0975
Powers Long Forgotten 1 1376 18.12% 50.75 3.455 90.92% -0.005 0.4359
Rituals of Terror 3 377 51.46% 36.03 3.506 61.01% -0.842 -0.1978
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 296 78.04% 32.44 2.477 51.69% -0.603 0.0387
Second Wave 0 526 59.13% 25.46 -1.232 61.03% -0.904 -0.4756
The Great River 3 43 69.77% 25.67 -0.748 37.21% -2.036 -0.5759
Ward the Shores 2 542 47.05% 27.84 -0.641 40.04% -2.204 -1.1673

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 1257 22.46 -4.083 60.38% -2.211 -0.1373
Aid From Lesser Spirits 1053 22.61 -3.976 57.36% -2.352 -0.4333
All Things Weaken 334 21.03 -4.472 57.19% -2.429 -0.2705
Back Against the Wall 1001 22.69 -3.95 57.74% -2.346 -0.2521
Disintegrating Ecosystem 1107 18.82 -5.889 52.76% -2.544 -0.3197
Downward Spiral 1755 21.87 -4.412 62.85% -2.138 -0.117
Erosion of Will 1162 21.83 -4.389 56.8% -2.362 -0.153
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 154 27.66 -1.204 86.36% -0.685 0.0076
Memory Fades to Dust 1681 21.58 -4.576 58.77% -2.296 -0.0781
Power Corrodes the Spirit 374 20.97 -4.58 58.82% -2.318 -0.297
Promising Farmlands 1132 19.85 -5.41 53.27% -2.542 -0.3278
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 109 28.49 -0.83 93.58% 0.092 0.5028
Thriving Communities 335 19.16 -5.387 53.43% -2.547 -0.4534
Tipping Point 625 20.24 -5.271 53.6% -2.41 -0.184
Unnatural Proliferation 366 21.64 -4.234 58.74% -2.365 -0.2757
Untended Land Crumbles 303 20.44 -4.867 60.07% -2.299 -0.1932

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 6540 41.96% 28.41 -0.358 79.79% 0.044 -1.0687
B 6954 41.63% 28.46 -0.3 80.16% 0.017 -1.1913
C 7008 39.78% 28.76 -0.152 80.94% 0.052 -1.3875
D 6670 39.18% 28.86 -0.113 81.05% 0.044 -1.1578
E 1550 42.12% 28.53 -0.089 84.06% 0.238 -1.0744
F 3166 41.02% 28.25 -0.333 81.81% 0.03 -1.2357
G 3034 42.5% 28.06 -0.433 80.95% -0.05 -1.3072
H 2961 39.67% 28.72 -0.129 83.08% 0.148 -1.1175
East 1890 22.35% 47.51 2.709 86.88% 0.3 -0.681
Northeast 2037 23.45% 45.88 2.263 85.13% 0.132 -0.7994
Northwest 1748 20.49% 47.54 2.217 87.87% 0.324 -0.6753
Southeast 231 36.8% 33.68 0.623 73.59% -0.057 -1.0825
Southwest 209 46.89% 28.0 -2.693 63.16% -0.593 -1.2131
West 1882 23.07% 46.07 1.681 83.16% -0.326 -1.051

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 106 0.0% 31.26 -1.318 85.85% -1.484 0.5706
Not Using Events or Tokens 699 50.22% 28.06 -0.226 74.96% 0.063 0.2806
Skip Initial Invader Actions 1312 2.68% 53.73 3.96 97.94% 0.812 0.1185
Start of Game Growth 1534 6.33% 50.5 3.118 95.96% 0.085 -0.3784
Unlimited Undo 1528 33.17% 31.26 0.575 85.47% 0.259 -0.1614
Using Tokens but Not Events 3194 33.86% 30.2 0.318 84.53% 0.262 0.2099

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 3546 22.34 38.95%
II 10636 30.81 71.99%
III 11611 34.31 88.65%
IV 5288 37.5 98.77%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.364 Win Model: 0.443
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 21491 44.05% 28.37 76.16%
2 6242 39.41% 29.7 83.18%
3 1536 35.23% 30.03 85.68%
4 1810 17.98% 45.28 92.65%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 986
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 7602
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 5062
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 4003
Lose: Invader deck ran out 190
Lose: Adversary condition 1637
Win: Sacrifice victory 126
Lose: Scenario condition 274
Win: Scenario condition 789
Lose: Blight pool ran out 4203
Lose: Spirit destroyed 223

The Kingdom of France (Plantation Colony) — Level 1

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 416 56.52% 26.62 -1.857 59.62% -0.486 0.0873
Dahan Insurrection 4 349 38.4% 50.79 9.884 73.35% -0.29 0.1094
Despicable Theft 2 20 55.0% 33.25 2.001 55.0% -0.739 -0.4569
Elemental Invocation 1 24 62.5% 29.08 0.196 62.5% -0.285 0.1545
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 832 26.55% 33.78 1.361 70.67% -0.522 -0.1561
Powers Long Forgotten 1 396 66.92% 30.62 0.478 53.03% -0.597 -0.1558
Rituals of Terror 3 218 66.06% 35.59 2.773 48.17% -0.882 -0.2384
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 186 83.78% 33.41 2.031 43.55% -0.632 0.0095
Second Wave 0 1382 58.01% 30.31 0.432 61.07% -0.527 -0.0985
The Great River 3 25 72.0% 26.28 -0.978 28.0% -1.701 -0.241
Ward the Shores 2 323 56.35% 27.52 -1.393 30.03% -2.231 -1.1936

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 976 24.62 -3.578 51.95% -1.853 0.2205
Aid From Lesser Spirits 803 25.1 -3.295 50.56% -1.973 -0.0541
All Things Weaken 277 23.0 -4.043 51.26% -1.836 0.3232
Back Against the Wall 788 24.89 -3.389 51.78% -1.887 0.207
Disintegrating Ecosystem 838 21.11 -5.257 47.49% -2.046 0.1786
Downward Spiral 1381 23.71 -3.933 56.19% -1.667 0.3536
Erosion of Will 954 23.59 -4.057 48.22% -1.98 0.2282
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 94 31.3 -0.099 82.98% -0.424 0.269
Memory Fades to Dust 1379 23.66 -3.979 52.72% -1.853 0.3656
Power Corrodes the Spirit 269 22.82 -4.17 52.42% -1.871 0.1497
Promising Farmlands 937 21.42 -5.092 44.29% -2.187 0.0271
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 58 32.71 0.521 86.21% 0.079 0.4904
Thriving Communities 288 21.98 -4.748 45.14% -2.156 -0.0628
Tipping Point 530 23.35 -4.206 49.43% -1.869 0.3562
Unnatural Proliferation 312 24.83 -3.408 50.64% -1.941 0.1485
Untended Land Crumbles 275 23.48 -3.858 54.18% -1.739 0.3665

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 3740 59.63% 28.39 -0.498 66.71% 0.229 -0.8835
B 3938 58.61% 29.42 0.047 70.44% 0.441 -0.7668
C 3822 56.89% 29.68 0.172 70.49% 0.416 -1.0231
D 3623 58.76% 29.21 -0.047 68.98% 0.367 -0.8349
E 999 57.27% 29.05 -0.264 69.67% 0.273 -1.0388
F 1741 58.19% 29.08 -0.322 69.16% 0.234 -1.0313
G 1572 58.06% 28.96 -0.394 68.0% 0.191 -1.0659
H 1652 55.12% 30.05 0.071 71.79% 0.36 -0.9054
East 880 54.95% 35.46 1.839 62.84% 0.273 -0.7078
Northeast 925 55.47% 34.67 1.399 63.14% 0.251 -0.6803
Northwest 797 55.6% 34.41 1.301 64.49% 0.377 -0.623
Southeast 181 49.72% 32.81 0.357 61.88% -0.045 -1.0706
Southwest 190 57.67% 28.96 -1.791 61.05% -0.025 -0.6451
West 920 58.5% 32.94 0.328 56.41% -0.128 -0.8527

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 63 0.0% 26.49 -3.815 57.14% -2.085 -0.0302
Not Using Events or Tokens 350 65.59% 28.05 -0.488 63.14% -0.004 0.2139
Skip Initial Invader Actions 312 18.84% 44.8 4.617 90.71% 0.89 0.1964
Start of Game Growth 427 21.62% 42.92 4.21 89.46% 0.845 0.3818
Unlimited Undo 1194 53.21% 30.42 0.006 70.35% -0.095 -0.516
Using Tokens but Not Events 1753 54.06% 29.54 -0.095 70.11% 0.059 0.0062

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 2250 22.34 9.11%
II 5306 30.81 47.7%
III 6535 34.31 84.06%
IV 3492 37.5 98.94%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.16 Win Model: -0.218
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 12249 57.79% 29.13 64.45%
2 3832 60.02% 29.97 69.65%
3 984 55.1% 31.16 74.9%
4 518 52.93% 33.18 73.94%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 158
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 4067
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 1658
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 2634
Lose: Invader deck ran out 75
Lose: Adversary condition 1489
Win: Sacrifice victory 68
Lose: Scenario condition 228
Win: Scenario condition 353
Lose: Blight pool ran out 3877
Lose: Spirit destroyed 230

The Kingdom of France (Plantation Colony) — Level 2

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 555 33.82% 21.45 -6.335 18.56% -1.707 -1.1335
Dahan Insurrection 4 694 25.36% 55.84 9.862 62.97% 0.25 0.6495
Despicable Theft 2 23 60.87% 39.22 2.685 52.17% -0.305 -0.0226
Elemental Invocation 1 48 45.83% 34.19 -0.608 45.83% -0.639 -0.1994
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 1410 19.43% 41.08 3.286 69.15% 0.677 1.0424
Powers Long Forgotten 1 415 55.07% 34.28 0.107 41.45% -0.428 0.0131
Rituals of Terror 3 200 51.5% 42.52 4.727 46.5% -0.045 0.5992
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 117 75.0% 36.05 1.68 33.33% -0.521 0.1209
Second Wave 0 701 46.57% 33.12 -0.659 41.8% -0.593 -0.1652
The Great River 3 17 17.65% 23.18 -5.947 0.0% -2.375 -0.9156
Ward the Shores 2 448 41.07% 38.15 0.169 38.17% -1.174 -0.137

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 1389 30.6 -2.051 48.96% -0.353 1.7202
Aid From Lesser Spirits 1167 31.87 -1.43 49.79% -0.294 1.6254
All Things Weaken 454 29.6 -2.461 46.7% -0.439 1.7195
Back Against the Wall 1152 31.45 -1.642 49.22% -0.324 1.7696
Disintegrating Ecosystem 1321 27.28 -3.788 43.6% -0.597 1.6273
Downward Spiral 1645 30.03 -2.23 48.81% -0.251 1.7703
Erosion of Will 1313 29.19 -2.666 44.33% -0.491 1.7181
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 232 32.25 -1.302 53.45% -0.218 0.4744
Memory Fades to Dust 1741 28.84 -2.788 44.28% -0.433 1.7858
Power Corrodes the Spirit 412 27.85 -3.161 43.2% -0.542 1.4792
Promising Farmlands 1388 26.12 -4.342 35.59% -0.916 1.2987
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 115 33.62 -0.44 60.0% 0.129 0.5404
Thriving Communities 447 29.26 -2.592 49.44% -0.304 1.7892
Tipping Point 791 27.05 -3.725 39.19% -0.701 1.525
Unnatural Proliferation 434 29.54 -2.484 44.01% -0.539 1.5502
Untended Land Crumbles 428 28.09 -3.179 45.09% -0.5 1.6056

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 7255 47.71% 33.25 -0.331 52.01% 0.542 -0.5699
B 7824 46.57% 34.2 0.215 54.64% 0.651 -0.5566
C 8213 44.65% 34.0 0.127 53.83% 0.624 -0.8153
D 7390 47.69% 33.22 -0.301 51.58% 0.541 -0.6607
E 2147 44.25% 35.12 0.685 57.66% 0.762 -0.5501
F 3451 44.91% 34.87 0.364 56.68% 0.66 -0.6057
G 3444 45.5% 34.57 0.206 55.57% 0.635 -0.6223
H 3514 43.75% 35.16 0.464 56.89% 0.668 -0.5978
East 1042 28.34% 42.52 1.849 52.21% 0.62 -0.3607
Northeast 981 31.73% 41.98 1.486 51.89% 0.373 -0.5579
Northwest 865 30.75% 42.65 1.588 53.99% 0.607 -0.3924
Southeast 120 29.17% 35.98 -1.142 44.17% 0.081 -0.9451
Southwest 112 31.25% 33.66 -2.699 41.07% -0.308 -0.928
West 1086 27.72% 40.49 0.43 47.88% -0.026 -0.751

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 57 0.0% 34.95 -1.868 54.39% -0.565 1.4892
Not Using Events or Tokens 266 38.91% 27.86 -3.322 29.32% -1.046 -0.8279
Skip Initial Invader Actions 335 13.88% 50.67 5.78 80.0% 1.111 0.4175
Start of Game Growth 731 20.65% 47.77 4.3 74.28% 0.632 0.1686
Unlimited Undo 1844 42.41% 36.2 0.817 58.24% 0.161 -0.2592
Using Tokens but Not Events 2135 40.58% 33.66 -0.498 50.96% -0.216 -0.2687

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 7677 22.34 4.27%
II 12446 30.81 44.33%
III 8530 34.31 87.73%
IV 3277 37.5 99.12%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.364 Win Model: -0.541
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 21205 45.4% 33.1 50.26%
2 7368 47.22% 33.62 52.09%
3 1977 43.56% 36.0 59.33%
4 1380 35.18% 42.29 65.8%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 233
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 5667
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 3806
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 2601
Lose: Invader deck ran out 23
Lose: Adversary condition 11460
Win: Sacrifice victory 74
Lose: Scenario condition 291
Win: Scenario condition 608
Lose: Blight pool ran out 3339
Lose: Spirit destroyed 241

The Kingdom of France (Plantation Colony) — Level 3

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 336 38.02% 26.35 -6.567 18.75% -1.697 -1.1237
Dahan Insurrection 4 630 45.79% 50.92 6.231 41.43% -0.199 0.2013
Despicable Theft 2 7 71.43% 49.43 5.215 57.14% 0.076 0.3588
Elemental Invocation 1 28 78.57% 35.82 -1.33 39.29% -0.56 -0.1206
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 1489 20.36% 50.33 5.855 73.67% 1.246 1.612
Powers Long Forgotten 1 217 63.59% 38.86 0.341 39.63% -0.245 0.1964
Rituals of Terror 3 132 63.08% 40.9 1.643 29.55% -0.657 -0.013
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 98 77.55% 37.61 0.206 25.51% -0.774 -0.1323
Second Wave 0 485 56.2% 34.68 -1.858 31.34% -0.772 -0.3442
The Great River 3 6 33.33% 25.67 -6.786 0.0% -1.434 0.0257
Ward the Shores 2 187 59.89% 34.6 -1.868 21.93% -1.233 -0.1958

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 1687 36.32 -1.365 46.3% -0.177 1.8969
Aid From Lesser Spirits 1467 38.21 -0.448 49.15% -0.063 1.8556
All Things Weaken 610 37.1 -0.895 49.84% -0.041 2.1176
Back Against the Wall 1476 37.08 -1.116 46.68% -0.185 1.909
Disintegrating Ecosystem 1594 32.3 -3.367 39.15% -0.452 1.772
Downward Spiral 2047 34.82 -2.022 44.26% -0.193 1.8283
Erosion of Will 1706 34.37 -2.292 40.91% -0.36 1.8483
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 265 41.67 1.176 58.87% 0.272 0.9644
Memory Fades to Dust 1966 34.74 -2.034 42.98% -0.236 1.9819
Power Corrodes the Spirit 539 35.58 -1.668 46.38% -0.194 1.8271
Promising Farmlands 1669 31.63 -3.735 34.63% -0.68 1.5342
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 142 41.37 0.963 58.45% 0.237 0.6477
Thriving Communities 574 35.65 -1.642 48.26% -0.119 1.9747
Tipping Point 917 33.01 -2.962 37.73% -0.465 1.761
Unnatural Proliferation 607 37.46 -0.763 47.12% -0.166 1.9238
Untended Land Crumbles 558 33.65 -2.672 41.04% -0.424 1.6822

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 7283 58.47% 38.33 -0.148 48.73% 0.714 -0.3977
B 7700 56.77% 39.01 0.174 50.25% 0.743 -0.4649
C 7932 55.32% 39.59 0.601 51.5% 0.839 -0.6006
D 7180 56.37% 39.12 0.308 50.52% 0.793 -0.4091
E 2441 56.36% 41.24 1.232 56.37% 0.925 -0.387
F 3874 55.3% 39.58 0.36 51.68% 0.747 -0.5185
G 3632 57.47% 38.31 -0.316 48.84% 0.618 -0.6393
H 3593 54.91% 40.62 0.846 54.36% 0.859 -0.4068
East 744 36.79% 36.1 -0.702 24.73% 0.166 -0.8151
Northeast 711 39.69% 37.93 0.185 28.83% 0.416 -0.515
Northwest 550 40.51% 36.05 -1.321 26.18% 0.053 -0.9466
Southeast 92 43.48% 31.04 -2.382 20.65% -0.113 -1.1382
Southwest 92 43.48% 27.1 -5.124 17.39% -0.51 -1.1303
West 667 32.93% 35.36 -1.63 22.79% -0.346 -1.0708

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 54 0.0% 42.83 -1.02 61.11% -0.208 1.8468
Not Using Events or Tokens 279 48.72% 30.04 -3.876 24.01% -0.976 -0.7586
Skip Initial Invader Actions 515 12.65% 57.44 6.87 80.39% 1.249 0.5554
Start of Game Growth 634 15.32% 54.48 5.379 76.66% 0.765 0.3022
Unlimited Undo 2358 51.37% 40.56 0.702 51.57% 0.128 -0.2929
Using Tokens but Not Events 1666 49.63% 38.11 -0.703 47.42% -0.239 -0.2911

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 10733 22.34 3.15%
II 10015 30.81 45.89%
III 7815 34.31 88.56%
IV 3468 37.5 98.96%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.401 Win Model: -0.597
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 22150 55.58% 37.66 46.0%
2 6568 58.29% 38.56 49.3%
3 2110 54.46% 41.88 56.97%
4 1203 46.91% 43.08 54.7%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 254
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 5399
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 3367
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 2769
Lose: Invader deck ran out 98
Lose: Adversary condition 11437
Win: Sacrifice victory 67
Lose: Scenario condition 271
Win: Scenario condition 302
Lose: Blight pool ran out 4600
Lose: Spirit destroyed 338

The Kingdom of France (Plantation Colony) — Level 4

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 176 37.5% 28.45 -7.378 18.18% -1.693 -1.1201
Dahan Insurrection 4 454 35.98% 58.47 8.118 48.9% 0.242 0.6416
Despicable Theft 2 6 66.67% 32.17 -4.714 16.67% -0.765 -0.4824
Elemental Invocation 1 28 46.43% 35.11 -5.349 25.0% -1.439 -0.9996
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 1162 19.6% 54.19 5.325 72.03% 1.046 1.4116
Powers Long Forgotten 1 118 61.86% 37.92 -1.905 29.66% -0.709 -0.2682
Rituals of Terror 3 117 46.15% 39.45 -0.54 20.51% -0.936 -0.2922
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 148 68.92% 36.91 -1.502 17.57% -1.077 -0.4355
Second Wave 0 279 58.42% 38.27 -2.319 33.33% -0.768 -0.3401
The Great River 3 4 50.0% 27.75 -7.191 0.0% -1.085 0.3743
Ward the Shores 2 206 57.28% 34.88 -2.979 15.53% -1.414 -0.3772

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 1109 40.37 -1.726 48.51% -0.197 1.8766
Aid From Lesser Spirits 863 43.25 -0.387 53.42% 0.014 1.9332
All Things Weaken 355 42.97 -0.474 54.65% 0.033 2.192
Back Against the Wall 879 42.47 -0.87 50.4% -0.123 1.9708
Disintegrating Ecosystem 1118 36.52 -3.733 42.13% -0.47 1.7541
Downward Spiral 1263 38.74 -2.421 46.24% -0.201 1.8201
Erosion of Will 1085 38.53 -2.79 43.04% -0.459 1.7499
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 174 44.24 0.035 57.47% 0.078 0.7707
Memory Fades to Dust 1320 38.4 -2.656 44.24% -0.326 1.8926
Power Corrodes the Spirit 335 41.34 -1.143 51.34% -0.068 1.9532
Promising Farmlands 1223 34.46 -4.789 34.26% -0.839 1.3752
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 95 43.84 -0.396 55.79% -0.053 0.3578
Thriving Communities 352 39.73 -2.012 50.57% -0.127 1.9658
Tipping Point 646 36.91 -3.537 40.25% -0.534 1.6911
Unnatural Proliferation 371 41.92 -0.9 51.21% -0.077 2.0119
Untended Land Crumbles 351 37.1 -3.332 41.88% -0.488 1.6179

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 5133 53.15% 43.19 -0.396 51.41% 0.708 -0.4038
B 5398 53.3% 44.08 0.106 53.5% 0.777 -0.4309
C 7485 45.91% 47.69 2.609 61.8% 1.223 -0.2165
D 5165 52.98% 43.34 -0.267 51.95% 0.738 -0.4638
E 1959 59.68% 44.61 0.73 56.2% 0.916 -0.396
F 2492 53.91% 44.15 0.095 54.33% 0.76 -0.5056
G 2319 53.44% 43.39 0.026 52.78% 0.812 -0.4451
H 2344 51.34% 44.5 0.191 54.31% 0.753 -0.5125
East 534 35.58% 38.7 -1.774 23.97% -0.456 -1.4369
Northeast 538 40.89% 40.91 0.233 29.37% 0.587 -0.3442
Northwest 528 46.59% 36.76 -1.993 23.11% -0.044 -1.0432
Southeast 52 36.54% 44.02 0.143 46.15% 0.506 -0.5194
Southwest 52 25.0% 38.63 -3.244 38.46% -0.249 -0.8688
West 548 32.66% 37.54 -2.303 22.26% -0.482 -1.2074

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 42 0.0% 43.55 -1.653 50.0% -0.418 1.6364
Not Using Events or Tokens 135 53.73% 32.63 -4.877 23.7% -1.167 -0.9495
Skip Initial Invader Actions 276 23.08% 61.55 7.389 78.99% 1.517 0.8232
Start of Game Growth 360 25.36% 57.03 4.746 73.89% 0.597 0.1343
Unlimited Undo 1838 55.22% 43.89 0.347 53.16% 0.131 -0.2896
Using Tokens but Not Events 1020 48.62% 42.41 -0.993 49.71% -0.244 -0.2962

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 7026 22.34 3.06%
II 6860 30.81 47.49%
III 6955 34.31 91.78%
IV 1595 37.5 99.62%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.551 Win Model: -0.49
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 14599 51.18% 42.39 49.12%
2 4814 55.94% 42.55 50.42%
3 1814 47.79% 47.05 60.14%
4 1209 43.68% 50.18 62.53%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 144
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 4861
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 2347
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 1224
Lose: Invader deck ran out 13
Lose: Adversary condition 7878
Win: Sacrifice victory 38
Lose: Scenario condition 195
Win: Scenario condition 254
Lose: Blight pool ran out 2677
Lose: Spirit destroyed 228

The Kingdom of France (Plantation Colony) — Level 5

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 139 33.09% 35.95 -7.026 26.62% -1.496 -0.9232
Dahan Insurrection 4 215 48.37% 62.04 7.027 48.84% 0.108 0.5082
Despicable Theft 2 2 0.0% 55.0 2.839 50.0% -0.074 0.2088
Elemental Invocation 1 8 62.5% 53.75 3.005 62.5% 0.4 0.8392
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 1400 31.07% 62.98 5.512 83.14% 1.38 1.7457
Powers Long Forgotten 1 119 49.58% 41.29 -2.636 27.73% -0.693 -0.2517
Rituals of Terror 3 88 46.59% 41.3 -2.141 17.05% -1.073 -0.4291
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 99 75.76% 38.33 -3.378 13.13% -1.401 -0.7593
Second Wave 0 160 61.64% 39.11 -4.627 28.75% -1.125 -0.6968
The Great River 3 7 57.14% 31.57 -8.502 0.0% -1.56 -0.1003
Ward the Shores 2 213 58.22% 39.59 -4.488 21.13% -1.59 -0.5525

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 643 49.17 -0.116 57.85% 0.197 2.2706
Aid From Lesser Spirits 533 50.39 0.26 58.35% 0.135 2.0539
All Things Weaken 178 48.3 -0.474 57.3% 0.107 2.2658
Back Against the Wall 470 45.41 -2.003 48.09% -0.219 1.8754
Disintegrating Ecosystem 611 43.48 -2.967 47.79% -0.268 1.9566
Downward Spiral 672 47.32 -0.787 55.21% 0.18 2.2011
Erosion of Will 609 45.83 -1.757 51.23% -0.132 2.0766
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 103 52.33 0.852 66.99% 0.419 1.1113
Memory Fades to Dust 672 45.39 -1.932 51.34% -0.089 2.1291
Power Corrodes the Spirit 203 46.0 -1.818 53.2% -0.114 1.9072
Promising Farmlands 630 39.7 -4.595 36.98% -0.677 1.537
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 52 56.75 2.266 75.0% 0.571 0.9822
Thriving Communities 213 48.08 -0.525 59.62% 0.261 2.3539
Tipping Point 373 45.77 -1.721 51.47% -0.049 2.1765
Unnatural Proliferation 217 47.58 -1.104 53.92% -0.081 2.0081
Untended Land Crumbles 187 45.55 -1.619 52.94% 0.045 2.1506

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 2700 59.05% 50.18 -0.156 58.44% 0.505 -0.6077
B 3042 59.94% 50.23 -0.164 58.71% 0.528 -0.6797
C 3595 55.42% 53.08 2.079 64.42% 0.919 -0.52
D 2659 58.1% 50.66 -0.013 59.57% 0.536 -0.6655
E 1060 53.77% 53.37 0.963 66.32% 0.684 -0.6285
F 1595 53.17% 51.18 -0.074 60.88% 0.465 -0.8006
G 1450 55.18% 53.0 1.159 64.62% 0.774 -0.4827
H 1569 54.92% 52.91 0.864 64.31% 0.64 -0.6255
East 508 30.22% 48.94 -1.392 38.19% -0.299 -1.2802
Northeast 445 34.77% 53.15 0.301 45.62% 0.226 -0.7053
Northwest 389 29.17% 54.09 -0.106 47.04% -0.139 -1.1381
Southeast 35 31.43% 45.14 -2.435 37.14% -0.037 -1.0628
Southwest 28 25.0% 41.25 -3.828 32.14% -0.198 -0.8183
West 459 21.81% 50.64 -1.19 40.74% -0.481 -1.2056

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 19 0.0% 45.74 -5.251 42.11% -0.938 1.1161
Not Using Events or Tokens 62 62.9% 32.05 -6.556 16.13% -1.172 -0.9542
Skip Initial Invader Actions 288 6.69% 73.16 7.023 88.89% 1.717 1.0237
Start of Game Growth 418 12.22% 69.04 5.345 84.93% 0.672 0.2091
Unlimited Undo 1115 48.96% 53.78 1.173 63.32% 0.25 -0.1711
Using Tokens but Not Events 518 31.26% 59.17 1.611 69.88% 0.054 0.0017

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 3306 22.34 5.93%
II 4822 30.81 62.4%
III 2721 34.31 92.54%
IV 641 37.5 99.84%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.547 Win Model: -0.268
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 6936 55.18% 47.52 51.47%
2 2185 63.92% 46.85 50.94%
3 1282 52.54% 54.51 67.94%
4 1087 43.97% 60.1 74.43%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 150
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 1961
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 1969
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 546
Lose: Invader deck ran out 6
Lose: Adversary condition 3454
Win: Sacrifice victory 27
Lose: Scenario condition 131
Win: Scenario condition 150
Lose: Blight pool ran out 1455
Lose: Spirit destroyed 81

The Kingdom of France (Plantation Colony) — Level 6

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 782 39.18% 37.75 -7.402 25.83% -1.435 -0.8616
Dahan Insurrection 4 2243 37.44% 60.91 6.24 38.3% 0.092 0.4916
Despicable Theft 2 5 80.0% 77.0 13.299 80.0% 1.139 1.4217
Elemental Invocation 1 81 64.2% 41.46 -5.547 25.93% -1.327 -0.8877
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 7147 28.69% 61.91 5.824 69.61% 1.165 1.5311
Powers Long Forgotten 1 200 55.0% 44.73 -2.717 29.5% -0.799 -0.3576
Rituals of Terror 3 213 50.7% 46.27 -1.506 22.07% -0.913 -0.2689
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 81 74.07% 37.78 -5.262 11.11% -1.646 -1.0044
Second Wave 0 512 61.13% 47.54 -2.489 36.52% -0.981 -0.5523
The Great River 3 18 33.33% 35.83 -8.799 5.56% -2.131 -0.6715
Ward the Shores 2 304 51.16% 40.3 -4.702 16.78% -1.562 -0.5249

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 3656 49.0 -0.815 49.86% 0.065 2.1387
Aid From Lesser Spirits 3241 49.99 -0.463 50.35% 0.039 1.9585
All Things Weaken 1506 49.85 -0.827 52.19% -0.008 2.1506
Back Against the Wall 3048 48.12 -1.381 46.59% -0.105 1.9887
Disintegrating Ecosystem 3601 43.88 -3.35 42.52% -0.241 1.9839
Downward Spiral 4444 48.29 -1.511 49.19% -0.014 2.0075
Erosion of Will 3632 46.34 -2.232 44.16% -0.205 2.004
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 766 54.7 1.303 60.31% 0.26 0.9526
Memory Fades to Dust 4311 47.14 -2.085 46.32% -0.148 2.07
Power Corrodes the Spirit 1530 49.44 -0.854 53.01% 0.068 2.0889
Promising Farmlands 3556 42.31 -4.204 36.25% -0.538 1.6761
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 429 56.02 1.872 64.8% 0.447 0.8582
Thriving Communities 1549 49.81 -0.63 54.49% 0.167 2.2604
Tipping Point 1873 44.89 -2.833 42.18% -0.233 1.993
Unnatural Proliferation 1535 50.96 -0.176 53.22% 0.062 2.1512
Untended Land Crumbles 1489 48.25 -1.496 49.83% -0.074 2.0316

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 14726 56.9% 49.91 -0.695 49.05% 1.358 0.246
B 16032 56.2% 51.72 0.169 53.14% 1.471 0.2634
C 19392 56.55% 53.76 1.832 57.19% 1.785 0.3452
D 14330 56.07% 50.44 -0.45 50.03% 1.382 0.1805
E 6855 53.68% 55.5 2.144 61.11% 1.776 0.4633
F 9221 54.83% 52.45 0.453 54.52% 1.474 0.208
G 7230 55.66% 51.33 0.105 52.09% 1.479 0.2215
H 7796 53.92% 52.57 0.461 54.5% 1.488 0.2217
East 2158 32.07% 50.91 -0.521 33.5% 0.464 -0.5167
Northeast 2294 38.0% 51.52 0.355 35.96% 0.954 0.0233
Northwest 1683 30.92% 50.84 -0.977 36.19% 0.248 -0.751
Southeast 194 35.57% 50.34 -1.156 38.66% 0.526 -0.5001
Southwest 200 31.0% 47.42 -3.37 39.0% 0.279 -0.3408
West 1957 28.28% 49.3 -1.635 32.91% 0.047 -0.6779

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 118 0.0% 54.3 -3.515 51.69% -1.138 0.9159
Not Using Events or Tokens 1095 31.99% 46.28 -2.271 19.54% -0.76 -0.5423
Skip Initial Invader Actions 1978 16.43% 70.39 6.295 81.45% 0.777 0.0836
Start of Game Growth 3257 20.4% 69.22 6.581 80.63% 1.055 0.5916
Unlimited Undo 7382 49.09% 57.92 3.115 65.38% 0.581 0.1608
Using Tokens but Not Events 4874 41.62% 57.05 2.018 62.93% 0.182 0.1296

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 23582 22.34 4.02%
II 30439 30.81 58.97%
III 16885 34.31 91.69%
IV 2709 37.5 99.56%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.58 Win Model: -1.295
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 54535 54.4% 49.87 48.82%
2 11487 59.76% 51.93 52.84%
3 3984 54.38% 53.82 56.75%
4 3609 42.4% 57.88 58.8%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 655
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 12955
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 13905
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 2368
Lose: Invader deck ran out 33
Lose: Adversary condition 26172
Win: Sacrifice victory 169
Lose: Scenario condition 729
Win: Scenario condition 910
Lose: Blight pool ran out 8974
Lose: Spirit destroyed 632


Score Model

Ridge regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and the score as the outcome. This corresponds 1:1 with score, e.g. a coefficient of +1 means a predicted score 1 higher than average. Ridge regression is used instead of standard linear regression because of high multicollinearity.

Win Model

Logistic regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and whether the game was won or not as the outcome. Higher values indicate greater likelihood of winning when present in the game. For continuous variables (e.g. number of players), this number is per unit. model.


The difference between the logistic regression coefficient for this item using this Spirit, as compared to using this item in general. A negative number means that this Spirit underperforms using this item, and a positive number means that it overperforms.


Diagrams of the layouts are on the main page. Layouts for completed games are shown as the same as what they were when the game was started, despite powers like Cast Down Into the Briny Deep.

Data last updated: 2025-02-27 02:06:44 (Pacific Time)