The Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia — Level 0

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 923 40.24% 23.31 -1.105 78.87% -0.483 0.0906
Dahan Insurrection 4 1273 20.4% 46.17 9.722 80.68% -1.427 -1.027
Despicable Theft 2 40 37.5% 32.67 3.26 80.0% -0.694 -0.4111
Elemental Invocation 1 90 34.44% 28.21 0.645 84.44% -0.477 -0.0374
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 2246 7.95% 30.8 1.834 87.49% -1.55 -1.184
Powers Long Forgotten 1 485 51.35% 29.11 1.619 77.73% -0.311 0.1303
Rituals of Terror 3 565 44.33% 35.75 5.013 72.21% -0.925 -0.281
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 333 72.37% 33.26 4.276 68.17% -0.425 0.2169
Second Wave 0 1053 53.94% 24.49 0.164 74.07% -0.562 -0.1342
The Great River 3 87 42.53% 30.78 2.973 56.32% -2.197 -0.7375
Ward the Shores 2 477 44.63% 31.55 2.54 73.79% -0.856 0.1811

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 1528 18.89 -4.097 62.63% -3.621 -1.5478
Aid From Lesser Spirits 1313 19.59 -3.735 62.91% -3.651 -1.7321
All Things Weaken 450 17.88 -4.485 59.33% -3.793 -1.6344
Back Against the Wall 1173 18.83 -4.023 60.7% -3.725 -1.6308
Disintegrating Ecosystem 1397 16.72 -5.232 61.27% -3.66 -1.4351
Downward Spiral 5705 17.23 -4.643 63.14% -3.223 -1.2015
Erosion of Will 1453 18.06 -4.507 59.46% -3.728 -1.5194
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 210 24.66 -1.128 98.57% 0.033 0.726
Memory Fades to Dust 5772 17.04 -4.761 60.01% -3.357 -1.1387
Power Corrodes the Spirit 492 18.5 -4.152 68.5% -3.396 -1.3755
Promising Farmlands 1475 17.32 -4.907 61.42% -3.678 -1.4632
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 127 24.22 -1.137 98.43% -0.016 0.3953
Thriving Communities 465 16.82 -5.002 62.37% -3.633 -1.5394
Tipping Point 788 17.95 -4.652 63.2% -3.551 -1.3252
Unnatural Proliferation 474 19.08 -3.834 65.4% -3.504 -1.4149
Untended Land Crumbles 465 17.41 -4.801 61.94% -3.67 -1.5645

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 15404 37.1% 24.36 -0.358 84.77% 0.158 -0.9538
B 15679 35.77% 24.67 -0.219 85.58% 0.184 -1.0242
C 15938 34.05% 24.97 -0.09 86.25% 0.203 -1.2366
D 15080 34.83% 24.83 -0.123 86.02% 0.188 -1.0135
E 3015 30.11% 25.58 -0.018 89.65% 0.195 -1.1169
F 5771 29.77% 25.47 -0.085 89.2% 0.168 -1.0981
G 5466 31.31% 25.31 -0.115 89.1% 0.234 -1.023
H 5574 29.62% 25.49 -0.123 89.04% 0.14 -1.126
East 1598 35.53% 35.16 2.508 84.36% 0.349 -0.6314
Northeast 1810 34.81% 34.4 2.29 83.87% 0.254 -0.6772
Northwest 1351 35.92% 33.32 1.664 84.09% 0.351 -0.6486
Southeast 243 30.58% 32.24 1.177 85.6% 0.09 -0.9353
Southwest 236 38.98% 26.81 -1.556 80.08% -0.19 -0.8102
West 1454 38.97% 33.96 1.832 81.36% 0.112 -0.6132

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 1215 0.0% 22.44 -2.014 75.39% -2.62 -0.5655
Not Using Events or Tokens 16872 45.68% 23.11 -0.876 78.55% -0.467 -0.2491
Skip Initial Invader Actions 904 9.28% 33.34 2.478 94.47% 0.299 -0.3949
Start of Game Growth 1387 13.05% 31.89 1.995 93.87% 0.321 -0.1423
Unlimited Undo 3942 29.86% 26.49 0.447 89.68% 0.361 -0.0598
Using Tokens but Not Events 5823 29.72% 25.48 -0.157 87.96% -0.173 -0.2249

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 4153 22.34 43.63%
II 20432 30.81 78.27%
III 28151 34.31 89.45%
IV 12049 37.5 98.71%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.053 Win Model: -0.103
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 47346 39.14% 24.88 82.89%
2 12810 32.33% 25.79 88.44%
3 2972 23.16% 26.79 93.0%
4 1657 22.86% 28.03 93.0%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 1326
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 19173
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 11147
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 9009
Lose: Invader deck ran out 873
Win: Sacrifice victory 240
Lose: Scenario condition 442
Win: Scenario condition 1376
Lose: Blight pool ran out 8110
Lose: Spirit destroyed 483

The Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia — Level 1

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 723 43.66% 26.75 -1.463 78.01% -0.553 0.02
Dahan Insurrection 4 899 30.44% 46.95 8.23 73.08% -1.623 -1.2234
Despicable Theft 2 30 36.67% 41.33 5.38 96.67% 0.583 0.8652
Elemental Invocation 1 60 50.85% 31.37 0.949 86.67% 0.08 0.5199
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 1394 11.23% 33.1 0.92 80.42% -1.974 -1.6083
Powers Long Forgotten 1 419 59.81% 31.53 0.937 72.32% -0.542 -0.1006
Rituals of Terror 3 395 48.6% 38.18 4.32 70.38% -1.033 -0.3892
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 271 76.67% 34.99 3.151 64.94% -0.621 0.0209
Second Wave 0 4248 43.97% 31.57 1.191 80.58% -0.509 -0.081
The Great River 3 72 50.0% 36.22 3.5 68.06% -1.366 0.0939
Ward the Shores 2 428 51.88% 33.19 1.579 67.99% -1.128 -0.0913

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 1209 23.05 -4.296 62.94% -3.372 -1.2991
Aid From Lesser Spirits 962 24.57 -3.487 65.9% -3.243 -1.3238
All Things Weaken 431 23.61 -3.943 65.89% -3.369 -1.2106
Back Against the Wall 1014 23.65 -3.931 63.71% -3.38 -1.2866
Disintegrating Ecosystem 1229 20.79 -5.505 60.05% -3.527 -1.3023
Downward Spiral 3798 22.35 -4.394 67.51% -3.009 -0.9879
Erosion of Will 1280 22.86 -4.399 61.88% -3.434 -1.2258
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 179 30.58 -0.46 97.77% -0.101 0.5914
Memory Fades to Dust 3839 21.84 -4.654 62.65% -3.25 -1.0318
Power Corrodes the Spirit 396 23.49 -3.862 72.22% -3.067 -1.0465
Promising Farmlands 1216 21.69 -4.9 62.99% -3.344 -1.1291
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 130 29.32 -1.073 97.69% -0.242 0.1691
Thriving Communities 392 22.72 -4.362 68.11% -3.173 -1.0797
Tipping Point 669 20.79 -5.386 57.55% -3.548 -1.3223
Unnatural Proliferation 437 24.28 -3.573 69.11% -3.205 -1.1157
Untended Land Crumbles 427 22.89 -4.27 67.92% -3.171 -1.0654

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 10347 41.29% 28.93 -0.363 84.45% 0.22 -0.8922
B 10668 39.1% 29.36 -0.126 85.79% 0.297 -0.911
C 10972 39.33% 29.6 0.037 86.73% 0.438 -1.0012
D 10399 39.35% 29.42 -0.09 86.09% 0.335 -0.8671
E 2341 34.69% 30.22 0.053 89.45% 0.364 -0.9479
F 4038 33.2% 30.34 0.029 88.36% 0.18 -1.0852
G 3777 34.96% 30.24 0.014 89.25% 0.4 -0.8574
H 3975 33.64% 30.22 -0.063 88.65% 0.24 -1.0254
East 1230 42.54% 37.85 2.488 81.14% 0.358 -0.623
Northeast 1363 43.77% 36.02 1.56 78.06% 0.015 -0.9164
Northwest 1051 44.73% 36.12 1.738 80.69% 0.38 -0.62
Southeast 225 44.89% 34.21 0.746 82.22% 0.19 -0.8356
Southwest 211 51.18% 29.93 -1.443 75.36% -0.074 -0.6936
West 1084 53.38% 34.78 0.825 73.89% -0.121 -0.8462

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 698 0.0% 26.46 -2.399 76.93% -2.652 -0.5979
Not Using Events or Tokens 9333 46.69% 27.78 -0.742 79.97% -0.291 -0.073
Skip Initial Invader Actions 523 12.47% 39.67 2.898 93.88% -0.067 -0.7608
Start of Game Growth 893 14.98% 37.65 2.531 94.85% 0.856 0.3926
Unlimited Undo 3179 34.55% 30.7 0.266 88.46% 0.164 -0.2564
Using Tokens but Not Events 4491 33.85% 30.13 0.005 88.89% 0.135 0.0822

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 2186 22.34 24.98%
II 11057 30.81 71.6%
III 20341 34.31 90.13%
IV 10207 37.5 98.67%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.143 Win Model: -0.168
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 30787 43.06% 29.09 81.9%
2 9400 37.45% 30.63 89.01%
3 2395 31.52% 31.31 91.4%
4 1209 29.99% 32.5 90.65%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 397
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 13862
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 5519
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 7645
Lose: Invader deck ran out 466
Win: Sacrifice victory 193
Lose: Scenario condition 405
Win: Scenario condition 944
Lose: Blight pool ran out 5675
Lose: Spirit destroyed 377

The Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia — Level 2

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 812 50.81% 35.1 -1.688 76.48% -0.611 -0.0374
Dahan Insurrection 4 850 29.5% 59.1 9.676 81.29% -1.051 -0.6511
Despicable Theft 2 18 55.56% 45.94 3.991 83.33% -0.119 0.1631
Elemental Invocation 1 79 62.03% 35.33 -1.194 69.62% -0.992 -0.5522
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 2573 9.64% 44.09 1.906 87.56% -1.502 -1.1361
Powers Long Forgotten 1 374 62.2% 40.1 1.023 75.4% -0.41 0.0316
Rituals of Terror 3 279 58.48% 45.27 3.648 67.03% -0.995 -0.3514
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 155 70.32% 46.95 5.013 76.77% -0.121 0.5208
Second Wave 0 3442 49.27% 38.31 0.223 74.93% -0.895 -0.467
The Great River 3 79 53.16% 42.41 2.251 60.76% -1.958 -0.4984
Ward the Shores 2 377 46.13% 45.38 2.899 79.84% -0.532 0.5046

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 1868 30.29 -4.869 64.03% -3.42 -1.3466
Aid From Lesser Spirits 1547 32.1 -4.061 65.93% -3.393 -1.4737
All Things Weaken 673 29.45 -5.214 63.3% -3.556 -1.3977
Back Against the Wall 1451 31.32 -4.46 64.78% -3.485 -1.3916
Disintegrating Ecosystem 1712 27.92 -6.087 62.38% -3.51 -1.2854
Downward Spiral 4719 30.59 -4.618 70.08% -2.983 -0.9615
Erosion of Will 1910 30.17 -5.001 63.04% -3.476 -1.2668
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 300 39.59 -0.13 98.67% 0.256 0.9489
Memory Fades to Dust 4846 30.18 -4.858 66.76% -3.147 -0.9287
Power Corrodes the Spirit 598 30.51 -4.626 69.73% -3.19 -1.1689
Promising Farmlands 1891 30.25 -4.958 67.85% -3.31 -1.096
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 177 39.76 -0.188 97.74% -0.261 0.1503
Thriving Communities 630 29.66 -5.176 66.51% -3.375 -1.282
Tipping Point 969 29.86 -5.121 64.71% -3.351 -1.1254
Unnatural Proliferation 666 30.29 -4.786 64.86% -3.471 -1.3818
Untended Land Crumbles 631 30.92 -4.471 70.36% -3.175 -1.0689

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 13353 45.28% 37.41 -0.35 83.96% 0.292 -0.8207
B 13999 43.99% 37.84 -0.096 85.47% 0.414 -0.7935
C 14350 44.34% 37.9 -0.015 85.44% 0.442 -0.9969
D 13255 44.3% 37.91 -0.036 85.55% 0.436 -0.7656
E 3194 41.32% 38.97 0.302 88.92% 0.553 -0.7588
F 5533 39.25% 38.78 0.112 88.09% 0.431 -0.8343
G 5010 39.9% 38.66 0.006 87.98% 0.443 -0.8139
H 5255 38.62% 39.07 0.144 88.56% 0.424 -0.8421
East 1641 45.95% 45.71 1.774 79.34% 0.16 -0.8207
Northeast 1511 45.24% 45.65 1.843 82.46% 0.401 -0.5306
Northwest 1248 45.8% 45.63 1.786 84.13% 0.626 -0.3731
Southeast 274 45.26% 42.0 0.235 77.37% -0.03 -1.0553
Southwest 252 46.83% 39.24 -1.243 76.19% 0.043 -0.5768
West 1416 50.64% 44.94 1.282 78.46% 0.237 -0.4878

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 500 0.0% 36.01 -2.49 77.0% -2.837 -0.7826
Not Using Events or Tokens 9049 51.88% 36.46 -0.671 80.64% -0.291 -0.0728
Skip Initial Invader Actions 661 9.31% 49.29 3.444 96.37% 0.466 -0.2277
Start of Game Growth 1163 14.98% 46.8 2.601 95.01% 0.65 0.1868
Unlimited Undo 4403 39.0% 39.43 0.533 88.71% 0.287 -0.1335
Using Tokens but Not Events 5042 38.84% 38.23 -0.304 86.73% -0.156 -0.2079

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 3097 22.34 31.0%
II 14208 30.81 68.83%
III 24443 34.31 91.27%
IV 12992 37.5 99.32%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.191 Win Model: -0.054
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 36879 47.35% 37.4 81.96%
2 12310 43.41% 38.7 86.9%
3 3544 37.34% 39.82 90.35%
4 2007 33.88% 42.21 91.13%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 686
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 16848
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 6724
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 10012
Lose: Invader deck ran out 472
Win: Sacrifice victory 204
Lose: Scenario condition 389
Win: Scenario condition 990
Lose: Blight pool ran out 7521
Lose: Spirit destroyed 405

The Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia — Level 3

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 633 58.35% 38.2 -2.818 66.03% -0.799 -0.2262
Dahan Insurrection 4 954 33.79% 66.39 10.512 81.55% -0.544 -0.1441
Despicable Theft 2 20 75.0% 37.95 -2.169 45.0% -1.241 -0.9582
Elemental Invocation 1 40 70.0% 43.17 0.213 75.0% -0.127 0.3122
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 2719 11.48% 51.38 2.687 89.44% -0.871 -0.5054
Powers Long Forgotten 1 220 70.0% 44.36 0.325 66.36% -0.515 -0.0736
Rituals of Terror 3 143 65.73% 49.99 3.025 63.64% -0.759 -0.1152
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 109 82.57% 44.76 1.067 53.21% -0.759 -0.1175
Second Wave 0 2335 54.6% 43.12 -0.231 69.68% -0.889 -0.4609
The Great River 3 38 63.16% 44.63 0.631 52.63% -1.548 -0.0881
Ward the Shores 2 161 63.75% 47.66 1.607 65.22% -0.786 0.2515

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 2273 35.36 -5.118 60.49% -3.211 -1.1373
Aid From Lesser Spirits 1760 37.92 -3.954 65.4% -3.021 -1.1021
All Things Weaken 838 34.01 -5.635 58.71% -3.319 -1.1603
Back Against the Wall 1722 36.29 -4.785 60.34% -3.269 -1.1756
Disintegrating Ecosystem 2092 33.07 -6.201 59.27% -3.242 -1.0175
Downward Spiral 5165 35.97 -4.644 65.91% -2.785 -0.7638
Erosion of Will 2208 34.81 -5.4 58.65% -3.275 -1.0664
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 316 45.39 -0.253 92.09% -1.243 -0.55
Memory Fades to Dust 5306 34.63 -5.359 60.72% -3.043 -0.8246
Power Corrodes the Spirit 821 34.33 -5.42 61.51% -3.176 -1.1551
Promising Farmlands 2253 35.11 -5.246 63.25% -3.077 -0.8621
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 219 46.32 0.293 95.43% -0.612 -0.2014
Thriving Communities 809 35.48 -4.912 65.76% -3.026 -0.9323
Tipping Point 1156 34.38 -5.521 59.69% -3.172 -0.9462
Unnatural Proliferation 869 36.8 -4.19 66.28% -3.036 -0.9465
Untended Land Crumbles 820 34.54 -5.428 62.07% -3.191 -1.0847

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 13327 51.2% 42.97 -0.359 79.58% 0.375 -0.7368
B 14110 48.89% 43.89 0.185 81.99% 0.54 -0.6685
C 14615 49.7% 43.82 0.221 81.92% 0.577 -0.8625
D 12682 50.53% 43.33 -0.027 80.74% 0.474 -0.7282
E 3448 46.95% 44.28 0.174 83.93% 0.482 -0.8302
F 5946 45.22% 44.68 0.246 84.43% 0.499 -0.7664
G 5605 46.72% 44.36 0.092 84.07% 0.502 -0.7552
H 5689 43.54% 45.19 0.386 85.11% 0.493 -0.7733
East 1167 51.29% 51.36 1.655 75.49% 0.298 -0.6828
Northeast 1142 49.87% 51.96 2.08 79.16% 0.573 -0.3583
Northwest 895 50.22% 50.86 1.433 78.32% 0.561 -0.4382
Southeast 230 55.65% 47.87 0.422 75.22% 0.454 -0.5715
Southwest 223 53.81% 43.52 -1.862 74.44% 0.226 -0.394
West 991 55.41% 50.58 1.096 73.97% 0.277 -0.4475

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 376 0.0% 39.31 -3.848 65.69% -3.082 -1.0272
Not Using Events or Tokens 7555 59.99% 40.66 -1.076 73.16% -0.29 -0.072
Skip Initial Invader Actions 652 6.95% 58.66 4.512 96.93% 0.743 0.0498
Start of Game Growth 1288 11.79% 55.85 3.731 95.26% 0.768 0.305
Unlimited Undo 4477 42.34% 45.78 0.858 85.7% 0.277 -0.1433
Using Tokens but Not Events 5375 44.01% 44.44 0.184 84.13% 0.072 0.02

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 3851 22.34 20.12%
II 19001 30.81 68.32%
III 22555 34.31 89.75%
IV 10701 37.5 99.48%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.339 Win Model: -0.381
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 39204 53.99% 42.31 76.99%
2 11989 47.83% 44.8 84.19%
3 2951 40.38% 46.69 88.21%
4 1964 37.0% 49.25 89.92%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 561
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 15780
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 9277
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 8305
Lose: Invader deck ran out 1058
Win: Sacrifice victory 214
Lose: Scenario condition 297
Win: Scenario condition 883
Lose: Blight pool ran out 9607
Lose: Spirit destroyed 502

The Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia — Level 4

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 380 64.03% 40.02 -3.056 65.53% -0.574 -0.0008
Dahan Insurrection 4 547 35.49% 70.93 11.009 80.44% -0.382 0.018
Despicable Theft 2 6 83.33% 43.5 -0.319 50.0% -0.547 -0.2646
Elemental Invocation 1 27 55.56% 45.22 -1.052 74.07% -0.344 0.0953
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 2026 11.48% 53.92 2.552 89.19% -0.535 -0.1691
Powers Long Forgotten 1 160 70.0% 45.56 -0.243 64.38% -0.669 -0.2282
Rituals of Terror 3 133 59.4% 54.64 3.83 63.16% -0.743 -0.0993
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 92 79.35% 47.59 1.032 51.09% -0.803 -0.1612
Second Wave 0 1501 53.38% 46.08 -0.332 69.95% -0.77 -0.3421
The Great River 3 30 66.67% 46.67 -0.275 50.0% -1.783 -0.3229
Ward the Shores 2 122 68.85% 49.24 1.259 62.3% -0.586 0.4515

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 1935 38.76 -5.092 62.07% -2.83 -0.7566
Aid From Lesser Spirits 1438 41.17 -3.961 66.27% -2.698 -0.7793
All Things Weaken 698 38.51 -5.143 62.89% -2.904 -0.7453
Back Against the Wall 1284 39.11 -4.977 60.44% -2.962 -0.8686
Disintegrating Ecosystem 1792 36.03 -6.479 59.04% -2.976 -0.7516
Downward Spiral 4172 38.42 -5.147 63.95% -2.573 -0.5524
Erosion of Will 1794 37.69 -5.666 58.97% -2.968 -0.7595
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 300 48.86 -0.131 92.0% -0.973 -0.2799
Memory Fades to Dust 4258 37.13 -5.781 58.81% -2.789 -0.5703
Power Corrodes the Spirit 705 40.19 -4.318 69.79% -2.567 -0.5458
Promising Farmlands 1881 36.82 -6.054 59.54% -2.951 -0.7362
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 214 48.53 -0.261 93.93% -0.65 -0.2392
Thriving Communities 668 36.92 -5.969 60.33% -2.983 -0.8895
Tipping Point 957 35.54 -6.635 54.13% -3.08 -0.8545
Unnatural Proliferation 738 40.12 -4.27 67.21% -2.677 -0.5872
Untended Land Crumbles 647 39.95 -4.412 69.4% -2.595 -0.4895

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 10617 48.79% 45.88 -0.461 79.17% 0.178 -0.9342
B 11808 45.66% 46.98 0.143 82.08% 0.36 -0.8475
C 11964 48.25% 46.45 -0.036 80.63% 0.331 -1.1087
D 10566 47.39% 46.4 -0.125 80.3% 0.255 -0.9466
E 3527 41.75% 48.44 0.53 86.62% 0.408 -0.9047
F 5322 42.17% 47.95 0.318 85.51% 0.39 -0.8759
G 4953 43.12% 47.93 0.306 85.34% 0.397 -0.86
H 5081 41.64% 48.37 0.427 85.79% 0.394 -0.8714
East 922 49.95% 54.24 1.696 77.33% 0.287 -0.6938
Northeast 877 53.78% 52.55 0.788 74.12% 0.144 -0.7873
Northwest 662 50.53% 53.4 1.008 78.4% 0.435 -0.5642
Southeast 182 52.75% 50.32 0.385 78.02% 0.386 -0.6399
Southwest 175 58.86% 42.58 -3.961 63.43% -0.643 -1.2631
West 910 50.55% 56.07 2.431 77.03% 0.305 -0.4204

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 321 0.0% 48.62 -0.929 79.75% -1.986 0.0682
Not Using Events or Tokens 6521 53.1% 44.65 -0.782 74.5% -0.261 -0.0437
Skip Initial Invader Actions 452 11.64% 60.22 3.968 96.02% 0.791 0.0975
Start of Game Growth 841 14.65% 57.54 2.854 93.58% 0.304 -0.1592
Unlimited Undo 4854 43.49% 48.29 0.597 84.84% 0.243 -0.1773
Using Tokens but Not Events 4631 39.79% 47.5 0.131 83.52% -0.057 -0.1098

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 5110 22.34 37.06%
II 22132 30.81 79.01%
III 16458 34.31 88.36%
IV 6141 37.5 99.56%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.275 Win Model: -0.101
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 37485 48.21% 46.22 78.96%
2 8538 48.2% 47.28 82.51%
3 2374 37.94% 49.41 88.67%
4 1444 37.82% 51.8 89.27%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 1436
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 11640
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 13500
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 4823
Lose: Invader deck ran out 1804
Win: Sacrifice victory 187
Lose: Scenario condition 205
Win: Scenario condition 516
Lose: Blight pool ran out 7422
Lose: Spirit destroyed 373

The Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia — Level 5

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 356 76.79% 40.66 -4.181 50.84% -0.719 -0.1459
Dahan Insurrection 4 469 54.91% 68.74 8.52 64.82% -0.461 -0.0613
Despicable Theft 2 2 0.0% 74.0 10.65 100.0% 0.115 0.3978
Elemental Invocation 1 9 77.78% 42.11 -4.203 44.44% -0.961 -0.5218
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 1125 19.84% 59.83 3.644 85.96% 0.059 0.4248
Powers Long Forgotten 1 82 79.27% 47.66 -0.558 52.44% -0.309 0.1325
Rituals of Terror 3 57 75.44% 55.91 3.391 50.88% -0.276 0.3677
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 65 90.77% 48.48 0.507 41.54% -0.345 0.2968
Second Wave 0 826 63.99% 49.82 0.14 63.2% -0.277 0.151
The Great River 3 25 56.0% 39.68 -6.208 20.0% -2.864 -1.4043
Ward the Shores 2 48 77.08% 54.27 2.698 58.33% 0.049 1.0857

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 1254 41.31 -5.435 50.72% -2.552 -0.4786
Aid From Lesser Spirits 863 45.76 -3.402 59.91% -2.198 -0.2787
All Things Weaken 516 41.93 -5.469 53.49% -2.614 -0.4557
Back Against the Wall 892 44.38 -4.092 56.28% -2.346 -0.2518
Disintegrating Ecosystem 1145 38.84 -6.786 48.47% -2.659 -0.4343
Downward Spiral 3365 41.02 -5.58 52.63% -2.478 -0.4571
Erosion of Will 1166 40.51 -5.937 48.2% -2.661 -0.4527
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 183 54.61 0.8 87.98% -0.759 -0.0663
Memory Fades to Dust 3388 40.43 -5.94 49.88% -2.597 -0.3788
Power Corrodes the Spirit 511 41.92 -5.336 56.16% -2.478 -0.4571
Promising Farmlands 1174 38.55 -6.897 45.32% -2.792 -0.5777
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 91 55.65 1.155 90.11% -0.513 -0.1021
Thriving Communities 482 41.09 -5.873 54.36% -2.614 -0.5208
Tipping Point 639 38.12 -7.125 42.72% -2.819 -0.5931
Unnatural Proliferation 522 45.67 -3.517 61.11% -2.296 -0.207
Untended Land Crumbles 503 41.55 -5.587 54.67% -2.584 -0.4778

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 5329 62.51% 48.13 -0.721 66.28% 0.063 -1.049
B 6955 55.14% 51.13 0.48 72.47% 0.254 -0.9541
C 6665 64.78% 48.18 -0.244 67.16% 0.239 -1.2007
D 5186 62.83% 48.44 -0.408 67.2% 0.149 -1.0524
E 1537 57.58% 51.91 0.77 76.38% 0.405 -0.9073
F 3912 44.56% 52.79 0.401 78.83% 0.203 -1.0622
G 3268 46.9% 53.23 0.937 79.01% 0.379 -0.8775
H 3133 49.52% 52.44 0.715 76.38% 0.24 -1.0259
East 530 56.6% 58.42 1.624 64.15% -0.318 -1.299
Northeast 470 57.57% 56.39 0.926 65.11% -0.105 -1.0357
Northwest 394 52.93% 56.2 0.091 61.68% -0.557 -1.5565
Southeast 86 56.98% 52.62 -0.421 65.12% -0.228 -1.2536
Southwest 79 63.29% 46.34 -4.277 53.16% -0.865 -1.4848
West 453 53.2% 59.61 2.023 66.45% -0.166 -0.891

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 137 0.0% 49.05 -2.841 65.69% -2.248 -0.1934
Not Using Events or Tokens 4440 72.34% 45.54 -1.016 59.91% 0.008 0.2259
Skip Initial Invader Actions 221 19.0% 64.26 3.168 88.24% 0.047 -0.6465
Start of Game Growth 467 18.88% 66.1 4.546 90.15% 0.703 0.2397
Unlimited Undo 5224 35.44% 57.44 2.639 85.66% 0.476 0.0552
Using Tokens but Not Events 5443 29.48% 57.17 2.521 86.59% 0.293 0.2403

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 3525 22.34 24.31%
II 13080 30.81 67.11%
III 9154 34.31 81.18%
IV 3326 37.5 99.37%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.476 Win Model: 0.368
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 22341 58.36% 49.3 68.82%
2 5207 56.7% 51.54 73.06%
3 957 55.49% 52.95 76.7%
4 580 43.13% 56.48 78.97%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 549
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 6190
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 6596
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 2733
Lose: Invader deck ran out 1855
Win: Sacrifice victory 95
Lose: Scenario condition 135
Win: Scenario condition 332
Lose: Blight pool ran out 6363
Lose: Spirit destroyed 361

The Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia — Level 6

Results vs. Spirits

Results in Scenarios

Scenario Difficulty Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 794 58.12% 48.96 -0.994 59.82% -0.242 0.3308
Dahan Insurrection 4 3116 81.46% 60.49 6.017 39.76% 0.0 0.4
Despicable Theft 2 11 90.91% 43.09 -2.482 27.27% -0.804 -0.5213
Elemental Invocation 1 24 75.0% 35.83 -6.34 25.0% -1.532 -1.0924
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 3745 40.06% 54.58 3.356 68.62% 0.129 0.4949
Powers Long Forgotten 1 104 84.47% 39.91 -3.708 29.81% -0.947 -0.5059
Rituals of Terror 3 158 90.51% 44.59 -1.187 24.05% -0.921 -0.2773
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 37 94.59% 40.76 -3.86 18.92% -1.22 -0.5784
Second Wave 0 705 71.26% 46.27 -1.415 47.8% -0.693 -0.2648
The Great River 3 11 63.64% 53.0 1.421 45.45% -0.758 0.7012
Ward the Shores 2 67 88.06% 44.73 -2.822 35.82% -1.081 -0.0435

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 5068 42.35 -4.169 46.63% -2.433 -0.3599
Aid From Lesser Spirits 4045 47.79 -1.622 57.7% -1.99 -0.0707
All Things Weaken 1713 41.04 -4.432 45.07% -2.407 -0.2486
Back Against the Wall 3276 43.22 -3.393 47.16% -2.245 -0.1511
Disintegrating Ecosystem 4537 39.28 -5.812 43.35% -2.603 -0.3786
Downward Spiral 9698 41.25 -4.881 41.47% -2.344 -0.3234
Erosion of Will 4887 40.59 -5.086 42.52% -2.628 -0.4191
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 453 55.55 2.228 78.15% -0.974 -0.2813
Memory Fades to Dust 9614 40.62 -5.147 38.46% -2.451 -0.2326
Power Corrodes the Spirit 1641 40.38 -4.769 44.97% -2.425 -0.4038
Promising Farmlands 4572 40.0 -5.385 42.96% -2.613 -0.3989
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 284 57.69 3.5 84.86% -0.466 -0.0553
Thriving Communities 1565 39.04 -5.532 41.98% -2.586 -0.493
Tipping Point 2485 38.06 -6.342 37.42% -2.844 -0.6185
Unnatural Proliferation 1855 42.15 -3.969 45.5% -2.418 -0.3281
Untended Land Crumbles 1598 39.81 -5.101 43.43% -2.496 -0.39

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 14102 74.67% 45.35 -1.245 52.73% 0.295 -0.8173
B 18001 69.72% 48.23 0.071 59.57% 0.474 -0.7339
C 17123 73.47% 46.51 -0.519 55.57% 0.435 -1.0044
D 16589 71.2% 48.04 0.005 58.95% 0.453 -0.7485
E 4505 73.13% 48.33 0.502 61.27% 0.688 -0.6245
F 7890 68.13% 50.25 0.996 64.68% 0.702 -0.5633
G 7760 67.22% 51.42 1.49 66.88% 0.768 -0.4893
H 7152 65.18% 51.35 1.333 66.6% 0.708 -0.5576
East 2103 80.13% 56.76 2.542 40.61% 0.416 -0.5648
Northeast 1774 76.39% 55.43 1.624 44.14% 0.342 -0.5892
Northwest 960 73.51% 54.42 1.169 45.1% 0.297 -0.7029
Southeast 162 90.12% 43.94 -2.114 27.78% 0.003 -1.0224
Southwest 108 79.63% 35.4 -6.197 27.78% -0.521 -1.1413
West 1122 79.52% 52.47 -0.144 38.24% -0.07 -0.7948

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 474 0.0% 41.69 -4.638 40.08% -2.313 -0.2591
Not Using Events or Tokens 9357 85.85% 44.2 -2.333 38.64% -0.546 -0.328
Skip Initial Invader Actions 1486 20.77% 66.88 6.328 88.96% 0.973 0.279
Start of Game Growth 2340 26.11% 63.57 5.087 85.17% 0.426 -0.0367
Unlimited Undo 6788 66.35% 51.28 1.699 65.29% 0.428 0.0074
Using Tokens but Not Events 4997 60.18% 48.83 -0.037 58.66% -0.271 -0.323

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 12714 22.34 6.02%
II 31144 30.81 48.85%
III 28394 34.31 78.05%
IV 7647 37.5 99.53%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.53 Win Model: -0.546
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 65634 73.17% 47.31 56.23%
2 10848 66.04% 50.76 62.3%
3 1867 74.77% 48.81 59.56%
4 1550 67.88% 53.04 63.03%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 565
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 17894
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 11101
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 6169
Lose: Invader deck ran out 6174
Win: Sacrifice victory 385
Lose: Scenario condition 629
Win: Scenario condition 1263
Lose: Blight pool ran out 25592
Lose: Spirit destroyed 1754


Score Model

Ridge regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and the score as the outcome. This corresponds 1:1 with score, e.g. a coefficient of +1 means a predicted score 1 higher than average. Ridge regression is used instead of standard linear regression because of high multicollinearity.

Win Model

Logistic regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and whether the game was won or not as the outcome. Higher values indicate greater likelihood of winning when present in the game. For continuous variables (e.g. number of players), this number is per unit. model.


The difference between the logistic regression coefficient for this item using this Spirit, as compared to using this item in general. A negative number means that this Spirit underperforms using this item, and a positive number means that it overperforms.


Diagrams of the layouts are on the main page. Layouts for completed games are shown as the same as what they were when the game was started, despite powers like Cast Down Into the Briny Deep.

Data last updated: 2025-02-27 02:06:44 (Pacific Time)