Results with Adversaries

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 2765 22.74 -4.366 46.47% -3.165 -1.0966
Aid From Lesser Spirits 2210 23.42 -4.075 46.29% -3.226 -1.309
All Things Weaken 740 21.07 -5.057 43.78% -3.316 -1.1556
Back Against the Wall 2108 23.03 -4.254 45.54% -3.254 -1.1618
Disintegrating Ecosystem 2386 20.42 -5.65 43.96% -3.264 -1.0429
Downward Spiral 4455 20.91 -4.696 53.29% -2.878 -0.8642
Erosion of Will 2670 21.0 -5.189 42.58% -3.372 -1.1604
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 272 31.26 0.058 87.87% -0.895 -0.1833
Memory Fades to Dust 4182 20.64 -4.95 50.31% -3.077 -0.8609
Power Corrodes the Spirit 729 20.83 -5.027 47.33% -3.154 -1.1345
Promising Farmlands 2474 20.87 -5.266 45.39% -3.217 -1.0028
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 142 33.69 0.805 88.73% -0.932 -0.5152
Thriving Communities 758 21.09 -5.067 46.7% -3.199 -1.0925
Tipping Point 1584 21.71 -4.863 45.08% -3.166 -0.9497
Unnatural Proliferation 796 24.44 -3.525 48.49% -3.013 -0.9328
Untended Land Crumbles 775 22.58 -4.287 50.97% -2.995 -0.8999

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 15873 44.7% 29.03 -0.094 75.74% 0.842 -0.2309
B 16171 44.85% 29.54 0.221 75.52% 0.842 -0.322
C 18365 43.49% 29.45 0.354 76.56% 0.952 -0.445
D 17212 44.7% 29.18 0.179 76.27% 0.942 -0.2159
E 3854 42.8% 29.89 0.254 77.61% 0.889 -0.3683
F 6983 41.76% 29.88 0.118 77.24% 0.814 -0.4123
G 6776 42.44% 29.69 0.064 77.18% 0.817 -0.3957
H 7234 40.48% 30.21 0.356 78.39% 0.887 -0.334
East 1565 55.57% 31.92 0.565 63.45% 0.681 -0.2544
Northeast 1609 55.14% 32.69 1.103 63.58% 0.692 -0.1772
Northwest 1209 56.22% 32.64 0.774 63.11% 0.706 -0.2388
Southeast 628 40.03% 27.87 -0.089 76.59% 0.968 -0.0153
Southwest 478 43.93% 27.81 -0.549 75.52% 0.965 0.3396
West 1379 54.65% 31.44 0.247 62.07% 0.404 -0.2608

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 2419 0.0% 24.17 -3.06 74.16% -2.709 -0.67
Not Using Events or Tokens 3131 54.29% 21.87 -2.625 68.35% -0.331 -0.1104
Skip Initial Invader Actions 5292 23.19% 35.48 2.488 86.49% 0.501 -0.2045
Start of Game Growth 7209 21.29% 35.1 2.5 87.57% 0.592 0.1327
Unlimited Undo 6951 35.55% 33.04 1.182 79.99% 0.082 -0.32
Using Tokens but Not Events 9256 33.29% 27.26 -0.699 83.06% 0.141 0.0952

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 8592 22.34 10.35%
II 19801 30.71 63.89%
III 23769 34.23 89.92%
IV 14131 37.48 100.0%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.31 Win Model: -0.857
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 45511 45.67% 27.57 72.63%
2 12834 48.9% 30.74 74.22%
3 4266 43.38% 32.04 78.18%
4 3682 33.75% 31.66 84.93%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 585
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 16121
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 9052
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 10779
Lose: Invader deck ran out 703
Lose: Adversary condition 2114
Win: Sacrifice victory 192
Lose: Blight pool ran out 13659
Lose: Spirit destroyed 775


Score Model

Ridge regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and the score as the outcome. This corresponds 1:1 with score, e.g. a coefficient of +1 means a predicted score 1 higher than average. Ridge regression is used instead of standard linear regression because of high multicollinearity.

Win Model

Logistic regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and whether the game was won or not as the outcome. Higher values indicate greater likelihood of winning when present in the game. For continuous variables (e.g. number of players), this number is per unit. model.


The difference between the logistic regression coefficient for this item using this Spirit, as compared to using this item in general. A negative number means that this Spirit underperforms using this item, and a positive number means that it overperforms.


Diagrams of the layouts are on the main page. Layouts for completed games are shown as the same as what they were when the game was started, despite powers like Cast Down Into the Briny Deep.

Data last updated: 2024-11-22 01:58:16 (Pacific Time)