Results in Scenarios

Scenario Diffi­culty Com­pleted Blight Flip Rate Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
Blitz 0 3962 39.08% 32.21 -0.012 71.23% -0.306 0.2669
Dahan Insurrection 4 8580 30.95% 54.09 0.014 76.82% -0.002 0.398
Despicable Theft 2 162 41.98% 36.51 0.043 84.57% 0.231 0.5133
Elemental Invocation 1 270 55.39% 31.77 -0.07 58.15% -0.853 -0.4138
Guard the Isle's Heart 0 12852 12.81% 44.18 0.016 80.0% -0.255 0.1109
Powers Long Forgotten 1 2508 42.55% 39.75 -0.002 76.28% -0.14 0.3012
Rituals of Terror 3 1784 45.4% 43.45 0.008 73.71% 0.123 0.7666
Rituals of the Destroying Flame 3 629 79.36% 34.17 -0.097 48.17% -0.739 -0.0972
Second Wave 0 8559 49.7% 29.06 -0.023 70.7% -0.565 -0.137
The Great River 3 306 52.61% 32.34 -0.114 54.9% -1.775 -0.3152
Ward the Shores 2 1939 48.3% 36.14 -0.052 63.02% -0.78 0.2575

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 6797 32.33 -0.112 53.01% -1.95 0.1238
Aid From Lesser Spirits 6016 34.46 -0.097 56.4% -1.81 0.1087
All Things Weaken 2198 33.06 -0.106 53.82% -1.857 0.3015
Back Against the Wall 5946 32.52 -0.124 50.89% -2.058 0.0358
Disintegrating Ecosystem 6332 29.33 -0.137 47.98% -2.168 0.0569
Downward Spiral 23663 25.36 -0.122 54.08% -2.195 -0.1738
Erosion of Will 6526 30.83 -0.136 48.44% -2.174 0.0343
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 970 39.83 0.013 79.07% -0.634 0.0582
Memory Fades to Dust 23877 24.73 -0.143 50.11% -2.376 -0.1574
Power Corrodes the Spirit 2137 31.18 -0.122 50.77% -2.042 -0.0211
Promising Farmlands 6599 29.2 -0.144 46.84% -2.257 -0.0426
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 611 39.82 0.033 83.47% -0.359 0.0523
Thriving Communities 2133 30.49 -0.134 48.29% -2.166 -0.0723
Tipping Point 3620 29.24 -0.144 46.74% -2.251 -0.0258
Unnatural Proliferation 2378 32.77 -0.117 51.81% -1.994 0.0959
Untended Land Crumbles 2143 31.56 -0.125 49.65% -2.058 0.0477

Results Starting on Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flip Rate Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 68419 41.94% 31.38 -0.003 73.77% 0.59 -0.5224
B 41487 45.49% 28.77 -0.017 71.48% 0.422 -0.7862
C 85513 46.57% 27.71 0.043 82.15% 1.317 -0.1222
D 41204 47.08% 27.84 -0.029 69.1% 0.297 -0.9053
E 6057 51.19% 33.5 -0.004 71.57% 0.652 -0.6603
F 10493 49.59% 31.77 -0.016 70.33% 0.472 -0.7932
G 10948 45.29% 35.05 0.004 74.17% 0.693 -0.5637
H 11747 44.12% 34.92 0.005 74.67% 0.688 -0.5778
East 7782 43.22% 43.6 -0.029 66.27% 0.042 -0.9385
Northeast 2423 55.74% 37.07 -0.056 56.54% -0.038 -0.9693
Northwest 1946 48.92% 38.9 -0.038 60.84% 0.082 -0.9174
Southeast 429 44.86% 38.87 -0.023 65.5% 0.12 -0.9056
Southwest 319 47.8% 33.01 -0.034 61.76% 0.026 -0.5937
West 3065 39.15% 47.88 -0.034 67.31% -0.011 -0.7364

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flip Rate Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 67992 0.0% 22.23 -0.014 78.82% -1.515 0.5392
Not Using Events or Tokens 127775 45.77% 24.45 0.004 77.0% -0.032 0.1859
Skip Initial Invader Actions 11600 9.85% 38.74 0.046 91.5% 0.768 0.0743
Start of Game Growth 16548 11.36% 37.15 0.047 90.08% 0.388 -0.0752
Unlimited Undo 30796 31.49% 33.22 0.03 83.09% 0.278 -0.1426
Using Tokens but Not Events 25702 33.63% 32.92 0.022 79.97% 0.111 0.0586

Results With Allies

Unique Power Cards

Power Card Kept
Boon of Vigor 65.43%
Flash Floods 94.28%
River's Bounty 94.71%
Wash Away 87.77%

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 68409 22.34 42.6%
II 153631 30.81 82.9%
III 57575 34.31 84.45%
IV 13790 37.5 98.83%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 20504
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 33229
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 89121
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 9400
Lose: Invader deck ran out 5586
Lose: Adversary condition 15721
Win: Sacrifice victory 592
Lose: Scenario condition 2229
Win: Scenario condition 7809
Lose: Blight pool ran out 48438
Lose: Spirit destroyed 2670

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.008 Win Model: -0.693
Num. Completed Blight Flip Rate Average Score Win Rate
1 168907 51.4% 27.1 72.61%
2 73441 43.2% 32.85 75.19%
3 25289 37.28% 35.11 79.05%
4 25768 30.63% 39.53 81.1%

Power Progression

Score Model: -0.014 Win Model: -0.409
Power Progression? Completed Average Score Win Rate
Standard 225571 32.85 73.58%
Power Progression 67834 21.9 77.82%


Score Model

Ridge regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and the score as the outcome. This corresponds 1:1 with score, e.g. a coefficient of +1 means a predicted score 1 higher than average. Ridge regression is used instead of standard linear regression because of high multicollinearity. Exception: For Difficulty, the Score Model is a separate model, using only difficulty as a predictor.

Win Model

Logistic regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and whether the game was won or not as the outcome. Higher values indicate greater likelihood of winning when present in the game. For continuous variables (e.g. number of players), this number is per unit. model.
Exception: For Difficulty, the Win Model is a separate model, using only difficulty as a predictor.


The difference between the logistic regression coefficient for this item using this Spirit, as compared to using this item in general. A negative number means that this Spirit underperforms using this item, and a positive number means that it overperforms.


Diagrams of the layouts are on the main page. Layouts for completed games are shown as the same as what they were when the game was started, despite powers like Cast Down Into the Briny Deep.

Power Cards

Power card stats include the average difficulty level, average score, and win percentage when the card is owned by the player at the end of the game. "Discarded" is how often the card is in the discard pile, which could be by having not been chosen or by being forgotten, and not shuffled back in.

Data last updated: 2025-02-27 02:06:44 (Pacific Time)