Results with Adversaries

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 573 27.34 -3.638 46.95% -2.434 -0.3655
Aid From Lesser Spirits 474 28.25 -3.082 49.37% -2.264 -0.347
All Things Weaken 137 28.31 -3.109 45.99% -2.26 -0.0998
Back Against the Wall 427 27.44 -3.581 45.2% -2.344 -0.2523
Disintegrating Ecosystem 494 24.8 -5.005 44.13% -2.426 -0.2045
Downward Spiral 759 26.91 -3.571 51.65% -2.169 -0.1547
Erosion of Will 542 27.53 -3.61 47.05% -2.302 -0.091
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 39 36.46 1.031 87.18% -0.287 0.4244
Memory Fades to Dust 783 25.77 -4.211 48.15% -2.39 -0.1741
Power Corrodes the Spirit 134 24.57 -5.109 42.54% -2.553 -0.5328
Promising Farmlands 555 24.0 -5.201 42.52% -2.597 -0.3829
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 30 33.87 -0.144 90.0% -0.163 0.2536
Thriving Communities 152 23.93 -5.03 43.42% -2.485 -0.3782
Tipping Point 340 26.96 -3.948 49.12% -2.24 -0.0243
Unnatural Proliferation 157 25.29 -4.295 39.49% -2.641 -0.5603
Untended Land Crumbles 149 26.61 -3.685 42.95% -2.435 -0.3398

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 2141 56.63% 31.27 -0.348 69.41% 0.104 -0.9689
B 2069 58.09% 31.5 -0.244 69.31% 0.124 -1.0406
C 2178 57.54% 30.79 -0.574 70.2% 0.171 -1.2255
D 2054 57.41% 30.84 -0.502 68.16% 0.085 -1.0732
E 444 62.9% 31.58 -0.154 64.19% 0.114 -1.1425
F 820 58.52% 31.12 -0.547 65.61% -0.045 -1.271
G 881 60.07% 30.98 -0.505 60.84% -0.048 -1.2609
H 883 59.63% 31.28 -0.41 65.8% 0.053 -1.1684
East 1494 32.04% 47.93 2.12 79.05% 0.318 -0.6184
Northeast 1510 31.23% 47.67 1.971 77.15% 0.064 -0.8053
Northwest 1321 29.34% 48.32 1.491 79.64% 0.135 -0.8103
Southeast 178 60.67% 35.3 0.839 62.92% 0.253 -0.7296
Southwest 136 61.76% 29.87 -2.444 58.82% -0.281 -0.9065
West 1437 30.71% 47.4 1.31 77.17% -0.062 -0.7275

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 89 0.0% 26.61 -4.548 71.91% -2.502 -0.4629
Not Using Events or Tokens 265 55.21% 29.04 -0.984 69.81% -0.039 0.1808
Skip Initial Invader Actions 1057 5.93% 56.81 5.251 96.69% 1.073 0.3672
Start of Game Growth 1159 8.75% 54.96 4.452 95.51% 0.665 0.2061
Unlimited Undo 592 47.52% 36.5 0.75 74.66% 0.079 -0.3238
Using Tokens but Not Events 1006 47.02% 31.12 -0.434 74.75% 0.209 0.1628

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 2256 22.34 30.36%
II 4122 30.71 65.62%
III 2907 34.23 84.35%
IV 1396 37.48 100.0%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.402 Win Model: 0.064
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 6828 57.19% 31.31 64.95%
2 2003 59.82% 32.33 68.1%
3 704 64.07% 32.41 62.93%
4 1146 21.15% 50.25 86.91%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 433
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 1759
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 1778
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 991
Lose: Invader deck ran out 75
Lose: Adversary condition 797
Win: Sacrifice victory 39
Lose: Blight pool ran out 2424
Lose: Spirit destroyed 147


Score Model

Ridge regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and the score as the outcome. This corresponds 1:1 with score, e.g. a coefficient of +1 means a predicted score 1 higher than average. Ridge regression is used instead of standard linear regression because of high multicollinearity.

Win Model

Logistic regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and whether the game was won or not as the outcome. Higher values indicate greater likelihood of winning when present in the game. For continuous variables (e.g. number of players), this number is per unit. model.


The difference between the logistic regression coefficient for this item using this Spirit, as compared to using this item in general. A negative number means that this Spirit underperforms using this item, and a positive number means that it overperforms.


Diagrams of the layouts are on the main page. Layouts for completed games are shown as the same as what they were when the game was started, despite powers like Cast Down Into the Briny Deep.

Data last updated: 2024-11-22 01:58:16 (Pacific Time)