Results with Adversaries

Results using Layouts

Results using Blight Cards

Blight Card Com­pleted Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A Pall Upon the Land 452 22.53 -3.68 41.15% -2.516 -0.4482
Aid From Lesser Spirits 556 21.03 -4.274 31.12% -2.937 -1.0207
All Things Weaken 119 26.21 -2.665 43.7% -2.176 -0.0161
Back Against the Wall 519 22.83 -3.77 33.72% -2.787 -0.6946
Disintegrating Ecosystem 833 20.3 -4.888 37.09% -2.63 -0.4083
Downward Spiral 2005 22.24 -3.517 50.67% -2.097 -0.0829
Erosion of Will 448 22.78 -3.376 41.52% -2.466 -0.2545
Invaders Find the Land to Their Liking 97 31.84 0.286 72.16% -0.685 0.0265
Memory Fades to Dust 1954 20.31 -4.384 42.84% -2.518 -0.3026
Power Corrodes the Spirit 238 25.45 -3.239 45.38% -2.133 -0.1131
Promising Farmlands 854 21.77 -4.071 41.45% -2.48 -0.2658
Strong Earth Shatters Slowly 61 30.48 0.425 81.97% -0.158 0.2595
Thriving Communities 233 24.36 -3.52 40.77% -2.339 -0.232
Tipping Point 496 21.47 -3.97 40.52% -2.505 -0.2889
Unnatural Proliferation 176 28.4 -1.423 47.73% -1.955 0.1251
Untended Land Crumbles 244 22.16 -4.364 39.34% -2.483 -0.3875

Results Using Boards

Board Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
A 4688 45.23% 26.55 -0.776 68.75% 0.319 -0.7547
B 4630 43.08% 27.55 -0.333 71.38% 0.38 -0.7848
C 4842 43.04% 27.66 -0.22 71.42% 0.439 -0.9573
D 4389 44.01% 27.48 -0.416 69.97% 0.361 -0.7971
E 929 42.66% 31.84 0.397 66.63% 0.151 -1.1055
F 1845 40.98% 30.08 0.087 70.3% 0.284 -0.9421
G 1663 39.42% 30.49 0.323 71.92% 0.376 -0.8368
H 1653 40.49% 31.36 0.761 72.84% 0.362 -0.8591
East 1286 43.75% 34.73 1.672 62.91% 0.373 -0.5631
Northeast 1343 47.19% 34.27 1.716 63.29% 0.425 -0.4446
Northwest 1038 46.15% 34.34 1.734 63.87% 0.587 -0.3586
Southeast 240 46.67% 31.34 -0.262 64.17% 0.171 -0.812
Southwest 255 48.63% 30.09 -1.303 65.1% 0.171 -0.4545
West 1190 49.32% 32.2 0.416 56.47% 0.077 -0.5887

Results Using Options

Option Com­pleted Blight Flipped Average Score Score Model Win Rate Win Model Differ­ential
No Blight Card 604 0.0% 26.5 -3.261 74.5% -1.898 0.1405
Not Using Events or Tokens 4125 51.43% 25.34 -1.109 68.17% -0.312 -0.092
Skip Initial Invader Actions 1850 14.64% 47.56 5.808 87.62% 0.771 0.0655
Start of Game Growth 2374 17.37% 46.67 6.065 85.89% 0.904 0.4446
Unlimited Undo 2486 38.71% 35.8 1.706 75.82% 0.395 -0.0076
Using Tokens but Not Events 2234 34.66% 30.77 0.339 81.15% 0.161 0.1153

Terror Level

Terror Level Completed Average Score Win Rate
I 3876 22.34 11.64%
II 7358 30.71 63.86%
III 6681 34.23 88.79%
IV 2902 37.48 100.0%

Number of Players

Score Model: 0.103 Win Model: -0.399
Num. Completed Blight Flipped Average Score Win Rate
1 14924 47.62% 27.73 65.55%
2 3765 44.94% 29.85 70.04%
3 1025 45.25% 28.89 65.56%
4 1103 27.76% 32.75 80.96%


Result Completed
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror I) 311
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror III) 4375
Win: Invaders destroyed (Terror II) 3189
Win: Terror victory (Terror IV) 2124
Lose: Invader deck ran out 180
Lose: Adversary condition 1899
Win: Sacrifice victory 90
Lose: Blight pool ran out 4440
Lose: Spirit destroyed 314


Score Model

Ridge regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and the score as the outcome. This corresponds 1:1 with score, e.g. a coefficient of +1 means a predicted score 1 higher than average. Ridge regression is used instead of standard linear regression because of high multicollinearity.

Win Model

Logistic regression coefficient using all independent variables as predictors, and whether the game was won or not as the outcome. Higher values indicate greater likelihood of winning when present in the game. For continuous variables (e.g. number of players), this number is per unit. model.


The difference between the logistic regression coefficient for this item using this Spirit, as compared to using this item in general. A negative number means that this Spirit underperforms using this item, and a positive number means that it overperforms.


Diagrams of the layouts are on the main page. Layouts for completed games are shown as the same as what they were when the game was started, despite powers like Cast Down Into the Briny Deep.

Data last updated: 2024-11-22 01:58:16 (Pacific Time)