Sentinels of the Multiverse Difficulty Statistics

Please note: Sample size provided where available. Statistics with small samples may be misleading. Accuracy will improve as more games are logged. Submit your games here to get them included!

Win Rate with Hero

Hero Win Rate # of Games Fear Factor* Model*
Absolute Zero 68.83% 4274 2.51% -0.51
Absolute Zero: Freedom Five 75.86% 555 -4.39% -0.27
Absolute Zero: Freedom Six (Elemental Wrath) 69.61% 1553 -0.04% -0.324
Absolute Zero: Termi-Nation 63.96% 666 -1.36% -0.489
Akash'Thriya 75.34% 588 -5.36% 0.179
Akash'Thriya: Spirit of the Void 66.61% 542 -17.32% 0.475
Argent Adept 72.91% 3776 2.15% -0.196
Argent Adept: Dark Conductor (Kvothe) 73.44% 640 -3.36% 0.07
Argent Adept: Prime Warden 79.2% 1077 -0.93% 0.201
Argent Adept: XTREME Prime Warden 76.82% 522 -1.27% 0.127
Benchmark 73.76% 747 -3.03% 0.041
Benchmark: Supply and Demand 76.3% 540 -5.71% 0.324
Bunker 68.9% 4042 2.8% -0.448
Bunker: Freedom Five 77.4% 562 -4.53% 0.021
Bunker: Freedom Six (Engine of War) 68.12% 1076 -0.96% -0.334
Bunker: GI 66.95% 1316 -1.14% -0.405
Bunker: Termi-Nation 68.58% 643 -1.57% -0.271
Captain Cosmic 72.91% 1964 1.01% -0.2
Captain Cosmic: Prime Warden 67.66% 708 -1.41% -0.366
Captain Cosmic: Requital 69.92% 472 -4.07% -0.022
Captain Cosmic: XTREME Prime Warden 68.82% 773 2.51% -0.495
Chrono-Ranger 76.82% 4318 1.18% 0.066
Chrono-Ranger: Best of Times 73.26% 546 -0.81% -0.035
Dr. Medico: Void Guard 77.41% 788 -4.01% 0.299
Dr. Medico: Void Guard, Malpractice 71.06% 387 -5.38% 0.167
Expatriette 69.11% 3963 1.83% -0.328
Expatriette: Dark Watch 67.02% 1786 0.49% -0.367
Fanatic 73.28% 4076 2.16% -0.111
Fanatic: Prime Warden 77.71% 924 -4.51% 0.351
Fanatic: Redeemer 76.11% 1729 -0.16% 0.166
Fanatic: XTREME Prime Warden 67.87% 498 -3.34% -0.13
Guise 74.58% 1707 1.01% -0.144
Guise: Completionist 70.2% 453 -8.52% 0.257
Guise: Santa 74.65% 852 0.02% -0.043
Haka 77.18% 4333 2.42% 0.04
Haka: Eternal 75.31% 1304 0.05% 0.077
Haka: Prime Warden 76.59% 867 -3.12% 0.207
Haka: XTREME Prime Warden 73.74% 476 -2.88% 0.046
Harpy 68.7% 508 -4.79% -0.088
Harpy: Dark Watch 65.99% 347 -5.9% -0.208
Idealist: Void Guard 74.97% 775 -3.04% -0.05
Idealist: Void Guard, Super Sentai 66.49% 379 -5.06% -0.224
K.N.Y.F.E. 75.68% 2027 1.22% -0.102
K.N.Y.F.E.: Rogue Agent 75.72% 939 -0.46% -0.002
La Comodora 74.44% 536 -3.57% 0.03
La Comodora: Curse of the Black Spot 73.17% 328 -7.13% 0.294
Legacy 81.9% 5995 0.24% 0.653
Legacy: Freedom Five 75.02% 1093 -15.67% 1.077
Legacy: Greatest 81.21% 2065 -5.28% 0.861
Legacy: Young 79.75% 2277 -1.84% 0.606
Lifeline 77.78% 513 -4.14% 0.311
Lifeline: Blood Mage 71.6% 426 -9.86% 0.128
Luminary 77.28% 735 -6.07% 0.41
Luminary: Heroic (Ivana) 66.96% 345 -5.54% -0.082
Mainstay: Void Guard 76.95% 694 -2.66% 0.159
Mainstay: Void Guard, Road Warrior 70.56% 377 -4.03% -0.037
Mr. Fixer 70.13% 4191 0.5% -0.196
Mr. Fixer: Dark Watch 72.52% 1499 0.16% 0.085
Naturalist 77.81% 1870 0.6% 0.165
Naturalist: Hunted 80.46% 967 -2.17% 0.376
Nightmist 74.74% 3586 1.29% 0.082
Nightmist: Dark Watch 68.68% 1437 0.32% -0.213
Omnitron-X 78.94% 3728 0.75% 0.305
Omnitron-X: Omnitron-U 75.15% 978 0.27% 0.079
Parse 74.74% 2538 1.06% -0.166
Parse: Fugue State 79.4% 840 -1.26% 0.141
Ra 76.08% 4888 2.28% -0.029
Ra: Horus of Two Horizons 71.93% 1457 -0.74% -0.113
Ra: Setting Sun 72.37% 590 -5.78% 0.19
Scholar 80.31% 3524 0.39% 0.403
Scholar: Of the Infinite 79.44% 1240 -4.77% 0.557
Setback 71.75% 2000 0.51% -0.089
Setback: Dark Watch 63.7% 1259 1.99% -0.463
Sky-Scraper 80.07% 2484 -0.96% 0.431
Sky-Scraper: Extremist 75.21% 589 -2.27% 0.15
Stuntman 74.21% 764 -2.36% 0.022
Stuntman: Action Hero 74.42% 473 -6.57% 0.306
Tachyon 77.18% 4040 1.01% 0.224
Tachyon: Freedom Five 76.23% 652 -8.48% 0.371
Tachyon: Freedom Six (Team Leader) 81.43% 3085 -5.87% 0.877
Tachyon: Super Scientific 80.67% 1868 -4.74% 0.77
Tempest 80.13% 5557 1.96% 0.299
Tempest: Freedom Six (Sacrifice) 74.76% 1062 -0.52% 0.111
Tempest: Prime Warden 77.23% 773 -2.78% 0.177
Tempest: XTREME Prime Warden 73.35% 499 -3.3% 0.19
The Sentinels 81.77% 2128 -1.47% 0.569
The Sentinels: Adamant 77.26% 1086 -7.98% 0.57
Unity 74.24% 3665 2.79% -0.191
Unity: Freedom Six (Golem) 71.27% 1114 0.36% -0.189
Unity: Termi-Nation 75.98% 766 -1.45% 0.175
Visionary 79.68% 4360 1.88% 0.277
Visionary: Dark 78.47% 1853 0.18% 0.136
Visionary: Unleashed 71.64% 529 -3.02% -0.056
Wraith 79.01% 5113 2.11% 0.137
Wraith: Freedom Five 76.97% 747 -8.89% 0.455
Wraith: Freedom Six (Price of Freedom) 73.86% 1201 -3.71% 0.194
Wraith: Rook City 75.74% 1323 0.43% 0.128
Writhe: Void Guard 74.83% 751 -6.37% 0.368
Writhe: Void Guard, Cosmic Inventor 69.66% 814 -18.4% 0.667

Win Rate vs. Solo Villain

Villain Win Rate # of Games Fear Factor* Model*
Agent of Gloom Spite 69.77% 301 0.9% 0.114
Agent of Gloom Spite (Advanced) 67.33% 150 0.23% -0.118
Agent of Gloom Spite (Challenge + Advanced) 65.52% 87 -0.47% -0.33
Agent of Gloom Spite (Challenge) 65.35% 127 -0.2% -0.107
Akash'bhuta 84.24% 882 1.09% 1.145
Akash'bhuta (Advanced) 74.42% 387 0.93% 0.285
Akash'bhuta (Challenge + Advanced) 65.28% 72 0.84% -0.705
Akash'bhuta (Challenge) 79.66% 59 0.88% 0.207
Ambuscade 94.08% 1014 1.29% 2.481
Ambuscade (Advanced) 91.06% 604 0.35% 2.208
Ambuscade (Challenge + Advanced) 64.71% 85 1.09% -0.773
Ambuscade (Challenge) 75.64% 78 0.43% 0.205
Apostate 87.38% 959 0.86% 1.531
Apostate (Advanced) 86.29% 394 0.63% 1.363
Apostate (Challenge + Advanced) 57.32% 82 0.6% -0.957
Apostate (Challenge) 61.43% 70 0.49% -0.585
Baron Blade 88.73% 1189 1.81% 1.627
Baron Blade (Advanced) 78.13% 768 1.15% 0.692
Baron Blade (Challenge + Advanced) 70.87% 103 1.49% -0.494
Baron Blade (Challenge) 91.26% 103 0.51% 1.651
Chokepoint 94.75% 400 0.24% 2.597
Chokepoint (Advanced) 93.9% 164 0.08% 2.311
Chokepoint (Challenge + Advanced) 51.32% 76 1.99% -1.725
Chokepoint (Challenge) 63.64% 55 1.65% -0.648
Citizen Dawn 77.44% 1334 1.34% 0.718
Citizen Dawn (Advanced) 65.99% 644 0.97% 0.011
Citizen Dawn (Challenge + Advanced) 68.75% 96 0.74% -0.455
Citizen Dawn (Challenge) 76.24% 101 -0.66% 0.767
Cosmic Omnitron 63.84% 614 1.29% -0.258
Cosmic Omnitron (Advanced) 53.5% 286 1.08% -0.857
Cosmic Omnitron (Challenge + Advanced) 20.39% 206 1.43% -4.751
Cosmic Omnitron (Challenge) 37.09% 213 1.08% -3.578
Deadline 95.57% 429 1.02% 2.563
Deadline (Advanced) 84.24% 184 0.31% 1.04
Deadline (Challenge + Advanced) 83.93% 56 1.32% 0.417
Deadline (Challenge) 87.04% 54 0.26% 1.012
Gloomweaver 90.55% 952 -0.1% 2.443
Gloomweaver (Advanced) 91.9% 395 0.4% 2.16
Gloomweaver (Challenge + Advanced) 92.06% 63 1.21% 1.432
Gloomweaver (Challenge) 96.36% 55 0.55% 1.876
Grand Warlord Voss 82.33% 1375 1.56% 1.02
Grand Warlord Voss (Advanced) 64.72% 771 1.08% -0.204
Grand Warlord Voss (Challenge + Advanced) 62.38% 101 0.3% -0.499
Grand Warlord Voss (Challenge) 86.67% 60 0.39% 1.033
Infinitor 79.08% 459 1.29% 0.526
Infinitor (Advanced) 53.01% 183 1.16% -1.189
Infinitor (Challenge + Advanced) 51.94% 129 0.77% -1.624
Infinitor (Challenge) 63.01% 73 0.06% -0.576
Iron Legacy 59.98% 847 1.36% -0.582
Iron Legacy (Advanced) 50.6% 251 1.22% -1.142
Iron Legacy (Challenge + Advanced) 53.37% 178 0.98% -2.115
Iron Legacy (Challenge) 51.97% 127 1.36% -1.978
Kaargra Warfang 57.66% 581 1.41% -0.786
Kaargra Warfang (Advanced) 44.26% 183 1.61% -2.058
Kaargra Warfang (Challenge + Advanced) 42.23% 206 1.69% -2.514
Kaargra Warfang (Challenge) 54.32% 81 0.28% -1.288
Kismet 87.56% 651 1.12% 1.461
Kismet (Advanced) 86.26% 313 0.59% 1.354
Kismet (Challenge + Advanced) 87.76% 49 0.33% 0.867
Kismet (Challenge) 89.09% 55 0.34% 0.905
La Capitan 75.6% 869 1.36% 0.384
La Capitan (Advanced) 78.03% 264 0.97% 0.376
La Capitan (Challenge + Advanced) 49.65% 143 0.9% -1.783
La Capitan (Challenge) 55.45% 101 0.7% -1.343
Mad Bomber Blade 87.37% 578 1.47% 1.343
Mad Bomber Blade (Advanced) 72.41% 377 0.98% 0.288
Mad Bomber Blade (Challenge + Advanced) 54.03% 124 0.32% -1.184
Mad Bomber Blade (Challenge) 72.31% 65 -0.34% 0.446
Miss Information 79.11% 632 1.14% 0.818
Miss Information (Advanced) 60.0% 230 1.0% -0.424
Miss Information (Challenge + Advanced) 35.43% 127 1.26% -3.213
Miss Information (Challenge) 35.79% 190 0.72% -2.715
Omnitron 80.04% 1042 1.55% 0.932
Omnitron (Advanced) 79.09% 569 1.12% 0.718
Omnitron (Challenge + Advanced) 84.42% 77 1.2% 0.592
Omnitron (Challenge) 84.0% 75 0.48% 0.977
Plague Rat 79.46% 925 0.97% 0.916
Plague Rat (Advanced) 73.56% 450 0.66% 0.405
Plague Rat (Challenge + Advanced) 62.92% 89 0.81% -0.738
Plague Rat (Challenge) 83.33% 54 0.78% 0.688
Progeny 80.25% 486 1.2% 0.645
Progeny (Advanced) 63.44% 186 0.84% -0.654
Progeny (Challenge + Advanced) 61.67% 60 0.99% -1.063
Progeny (Challenge) 81.58% 38 0.33% 0.495
Skinwalker Gloomweaver 78.32% 346 1.02% 0.498
Skinwalker Gloomweaver (Advanced) 69.79% 192 0.87% -0.029
Skinwalker Gloomweaver (Challenge + Advanced) 70.65% 92 0.51% -0.335
Skinwalker Gloomweaver (Challenge) 67.8% 118 0.02% -0.128
Spite 81.01% 611 1.07% 1.065
Spite (Advanced) 76.55% 226 0.71% 0.67
Spite (Challenge + Advanced) 80.0% 50 0.63% 0.406
Spite (Challenge) 88.52% 61 -0.23% 1.088
The Chairman 63.51% 877 1.24% -0.181
The Chairman (Advanced) 57.96% 314 1.28% -0.58
The Chairman (Challenge + Advanced) 64.62% 65 0.16% -0.915
The Chairman (Challenge) 67.95% 78 0.3% -0.357
The Dreamer 65.19% 833 1.14% -0.118
The Dreamer (Advanced) 49.14% 232 0.71% -0.942
The Dreamer (Challenge + Advanced) 50.67% 75 1.06% -1.448
The Dreamer (Challenge) 58.33% 48 0.57% -0.614
The Ennead 87.76% 915 1.0% 1.566
The Ennead (Advanced) 54.35% 414 1.36% -0.865
The Ennead (Challenge + Advanced) 40.21% 97 1.86% -2.968
The Ennead (Challenge) 65.38% 52 1.01% -0.559
The Matriarch 72.94% 728 1.37% 0.243
The Matriarch (Advanced) 70.39% 331 0.84% -0.041
The Matriarch (Challenge + Advanced) 70.43% 115 1.0% -0.027
The Matriarch (Challenge) 77.55% 49 0.91% 0.361
Tormented Infinitor 96.15% 208 0.87% 2.305
Tormented Infinitor (Advanced) 84.07% 113 -0.15% 0.88
Tormented Infinitor (Challenge + Advanced) 72.73% 44 0.74% -0.345
Tormented Infinitor (Challenge) 81.63% 49 1.13% 0.553
Unstable Kismet 89.89% 188 0.52% 1.301
Unstable Kismet (Advanced) 76.77% 99 0.68% 0.086
Unstable Kismet (Challenge + Advanced) 60.47% 86 0.59% -1.016
Unstable Kismet (Challenge) 65.63% 64 -0.65% -0.011
Vengeance Style 72.22% 1926 1.02% -0.111
Vengeance Style (Advanced) 50.1% 519 0.56% -1.306
Vengeance Style (Challenge + Advanced) 47.98% 396 0.95% -2.075
Vengeance Style (Challenge) 61.45% 441 -0.16% -0.739
Wager Master 85.37% 328 0.91% 1.107
Wager Master (Advanced) 77.36% 106 0.08% 0.473
Wager Master (Challenge + Advanced) 65.38% 52 1.07% -0.512
Wager Master (Challenge) 75.68% 37 0.38% 0.174

Win Rate vs. Team Villain

Villain Win Rate # of Games Fear Factor* Model*
Ambuscade 68.16% 603 0.93% -0.406
Ambuscade (Advanced) 49.52% 105 0.9% -0.383
Ambuscade (Challenge + Advanced) 32.2% 59 0.36% -0.793
Ambuscade (Challenge) 44.0% 50 0.68% -0.98
Baron Blade 69.42% 834 1.3% -0.319
Baron Blade (Advanced) 48.85% 262 0.74% -0.499
Baron Blade (Challenge + Advanced) 49.14% 116 0.9% -0.652
Baron Blade (Challenge) 62.07% 174 0.0% -0.218
Biomancer 68.86% 607 1.12% -0.312
Biomancer (Advanced) 49.64% 137 0.69% -0.383
Biomancer (Challenge + Advanced) 41.3% 92 1.21% -0.588
Biomancer (Challenge) 60.33% 121 0.86% -0.457
Bugbear 71.13% 478 1.05% -0.088
Bugbear (Advanced) 54.87% 113 0.86% -0.236
Bugbear (Challenge + Advanced) 45.1% 102 1.41% -0.525
Bugbear (Challenge) 64.63% 147 1.17% -0.212
Citizens Hammer and Anvil 69.7% 330 0.91% -0.348
Citizens Hammer and Anvil (Advanced) 46.6% 103 0.7% -0.735
Citizens Hammer and Anvil (Challenge + Advanced) 40.0% 80 1.49% -0.781
Citizens Hammer and Anvil (Challenge) 51.06% 47 0.74% -0.478
Ermine 73.19% 567 1.28% -0.186
Ermine (Advanced) 49.23% 195 1.05% -0.446
Ermine (Challenge + Advanced) 43.8% 137 1.23% -0.85
Ermine (Challenge) 60.15% 261 -0.75% -0.38
Friction 73.79% 622 1.32% -0.17
Friction (Advanced) 51.72% 203 1.07% -0.306
Friction (Challenge + Advanced) 50.0% 140 0.77% -0.414
Friction (Challenge) 59.65% 228 -1.09% -0.232
Fright Train 74.67% 604 1.25% 0.027
Fright Train (Advanced) 48.69% 191 0.48% -0.361
Fright Train (Challenge + Advanced) 55.13% 234 1.24% 0.168
Fright Train (Challenge) 66.26% 243 -0.75% 0.263
Greazer Clutch 78.01% 482 0.41% 0.222
Greazer Clutch (Advanced) 60.0% 110 0.52% 0.054
Greazer Clutch (Challenge + Advanced) 55.26% 152 0.8% -0.142
Greazer Clutch (Challenge) 68.66% 67 -0.35% 0.22
La Capitan 82.23% 394 0.49% 0.495
La Capitan (Advanced) 55.34% 103 0.22% -0.162
La Capitan (Challenge + Advanced) 40.98% 61 0.72% -0.389
La Capitan (Challenge) 56.25% 48 1.29% -0.171
Miss Information 75.53% 421 0.87% -0.032
Miss Information (Advanced) 54.08% 98 0.46% -0.001
Miss Information (Challenge + Advanced) 29.82% 57 0.02% -0.951
Miss Information (Challenge) 57.14% 42 1.03% -0.563
Plague Rat 70.18% 436 1.02% -0.161
Plague Rat (Advanced) 49.11% 112 0.31% -0.334
Plague Rat (Challenge + Advanced) 38.6% 57 0.65% -0.815
Plague Rat (Challenge) 68.85% 61 1.63% -0.206
Proletariat 77.09% 681 0.9% 0.244
Proletariat (Advanced) 53.64% 220 0.3% 0.044
Proletariat (Challenge + Advanced) 54.87% 226 0.95% 0.063
Proletariat (Challenge) 64.53% 265 -0.78% 0.173
Sergeant Steel 73.98% 342 0.68% 0.001
Sergeant Steel (Advanced) 47.37% 95 0.52% -0.549
Sergeant Steel (Challenge + Advanced) 46.15% 91 0.97% -0.609
Sergeant Steel (Challenge) 64.58% 48 0.27% -0.047
The Operative 80.5% 482 0.4% 0.361
The Operative (Advanced) 50.7% 142 -0.57% -0.108
The Operative (Challenge + Advanced) 52.17% 115 0.46% -0.157
The Operative (Challenge) 62.9% 62 0.08% -0.182

Win Rate in Environment

Environment Win Rate # of Games Model*
Celestial Tribunal 75.0% 652 0.152
Champion Studios 75.94% 478 0.56
Dok'Thorath 72.84% 1241 -0.083
Enclave of the Endlings 76.06% 1203 0.06
Fort Adamant 73.15% 447 0.264
Freedom Tower 79.21% 1501 0.407
Insula Primalis 73.42% 3115 -0.226
Madame Mittermeier's 71.53% 678 -0.06
Maerynian Refuge 70.38% 449 0.355
Magmaria 76.82% 686 0.239
Megalopolis 76.41% 3167 -0.062
Mobile Defense Platform 79.37% 1139 0.337
Mordengrad 64.52% 420 -0.505
Nexus of the Void 71.23% 497 0.425
Omnitron IV 67.98% 993 -0.387
Pike Industrial Complex 73.22% 2054 -0.093
Realm of Discord 76.73% 2007 0.097
Rook City 64.07% 2366 -0.715
Ruins of Atlantis 66.43% 2773 -0.611
Silver Gulch 1883 73.78% 2109 -0.119
Temple of Zhu Long 79.14% 834 0.428
The Block 80.95% 2021 0.468
The Court of Blood 73.07% 765 -0.059
The Final Wasteland 81.74% 1955 0.453
Time Cataclysm 75.15% 1952 0.067
Tomb of Anubis 72.37% 1947 -0.193
Wagner Mars Base 78.57% 2440 0.161

Win Rate by Team Size

Team Size Win Rate # of Games
3 64.14% 10633
4 77.38% 17760
5 78.87% 11498


Fear Factor

This is an indication of how much players seem to fear this villain, or lack confidence in this hero. For heroes, it's the difference in average win rate between the villains that players choose to face this hero and the average win rate against all villains. A higher value indicates that players choose weaker villains, on average, to fight this hero. The reverse is true for villains, indicating that players choose stronger heroes, on average, to face this villain. In both cases, this may result in an inflated win rate.

Logistic Regression Coefficient

Hero, solo villain, and environment coefficients are calculated using all of those factors in one model. Team villain coefficients are calculated using them, heroes, and environments in the model. Interaction terms are omitted. Higher values indicate greater likelihood of winning when present in the game.

Last updated: Jan 17, 2024, 01:11 AM PST